Chapter Sixteen

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Kitty comes back before the end of the show, this time holding a sparkly silver purse instead of a clipboard.

She's changed out of the playsuit and is wearing an elegant black cocktail dress with a plunging neckline.

If only I'd put on a pretty dress today. FML.

"This way, ladies," she says gesturing out the door.

The Alastair's Angels push in front of me as we walk to the door.

Kitty leads us through a labyrinth of corridors and elevators, all the way to the backstage area on the ground floor.

We're ushered into a small, brightly lit dressing room, with several leather sofas and racks of clothes.

The walls are covered in mirrors, and the angels quickly whip out their makeup.

We haven't been in the room more than ten seconds before they're inspecting their reflections, puckering their lips and adding that all-important final coat of lip gloss.

I don't have any makeup or even a hairbrush with me, and there's no way in hell I'd ask the angels if I can use theirs... so I place my guitar case in the corner of the room and take a seat on one of the sofas, hugging my school bag close against my body.

Looking pretty right now really isn't that important. All I care about is finally meeting the boys.

The angels are so absorbed in parading around in front of the mirrors that they don't even turn around to face Kitty when she tells us that the guys will be through in a few minutes.

After she leaves, I check my phone.

Jamie and Zee still haven't answered me, but it's only a matter of time.

They can't miss this.

After what feels like forever, I hear footsteps and voices in the corridor outside.

A crowd of people passes by, too fast for me to see if any of the boys were in the group.

I'm tempted to get up and look down the corridor after them.

Before I can even budge from my seat, a head pops around the corner.

"We'll be heading off in five. Hope you girls are ready for a party."

Alastaire leans against the doorway, still wearing the white v-neck top and skinny jeans he wore on stage.

He always looks sort of angelic in photos and videos, (inhumanely perfect according to Jamie), and the real life version doesn't disappoint.

Tall and lean with clear blue eyes and a halo of messy gold hair, beautiful is the only word that does him justice. In fact, he's prettier than most girls.

The angels scream his name and surround him in seconds. I'm still glued to the sofa, too overwhelmed by everything to properly react.

That's when I realise that Alastaire's deep blue gaze has alighted on me.

He detaches himself from the angels and is in front of the sofa in a flash, leaning over me with one hand on the armrest. Locking me in.

He is way too deep into my personal space.

"Odd, I don't recall having my guys pull you out of the crowd," he says with a sly smile.

Up close, he smells of a spicy, woody cologne, and something else. Baking?

He brings his free hand to his mouth and I see he's holding a half-eaten cupcake.

He lifts it to his lips, his tongue darting out and licking the peachy-pink frosting while his eyes glitter just inches from my own.

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