Chapter VII-Section II

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Draco stared at the letter in his hands. Why did it have to come now? he mentally whined, trying to convince himself that it wasn't true. He had gotten a letter from his parents, saying that they were very pleased with what they had been hearing about him, but was it really true that he was gay? He would have to tell them the truth eventually, or he was never going to achieve the happy relationship he wanted. If it meant anything, they had promised a long time ago that they would support him in decisions he made unless the decisions got him into legal trouble. Then he would be on his own. And, anyways, better now than never, right?

He started to pen a letter back before he could change his mind.

"Dear Father and Mother,

I don't know what source you got the information from, or how the source received the facts, but, yes, it is true that I am gay. Something that I am assuming you also know, as you know about my queerness, is that I am dating Harry Potter. If you really have turned from Voldemort, then put any negative feelings you might have about him aside and let me be happy. If not, then I don't particularly wish to be your son and will be moving in with Harry and his caretakers.

I hope this letter finds you in good health, and that you will be willing to let me come as I am, now that you know the other option.

From your only and favourite son,


As Draco put the quill down, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. After he sent this, his secret was out. After he sent this, he would be out. Also, he could practically hear his father as in his head as he reread the line about his dedication to Voldemort, muttering, "Damn that kid's brain. I almost wish he didn't embody the Slytherin cunningness quite this much," and started laughing. The noise woke up Theodore, who was taking an afternoon nap (or at least trying to), and he grumbled, "Can you try to be quieter? I was having a good dream, and you interrupted the best part." However, his head was face down on his pillow still, so Draco couldn't quite hear him, so he just replied, "Oh, sod off." Theo shoved the quilt higher over and started to fall asleep again. Draco signed the back of the letter, handed it to the owl that was anxiously fluttering around on the ceiling, and told it to take the letter back to his parents. Then he left the dorm, walked down the stone staircase to the common room, and left, heading for the library, where he knew a Harry was waiting for him. It was Wednesday, three days after the group had finished their game of truth-or-dare. They had been getting a lot more comfortable with each other, and he and Harry had been writing back and forth after they were done with assignments. As he walked down the corridors, he couldn't help but think of the letter he had sent to his parents, and he smiled inwardly. He had his parents trapped in a corner, and they had to choose between two options that would both play out in his favour: accept him and Harry, or not have either. Both choices let him and Harry stay together, but only one left him with legal guardians. Though the thought of not having a family was depressing, he would still have Harry, and he would be free to be with his boyfriend full time.

As he came up to the library, Draco could see Harry's tan, lean shape against the dark stone wall. His dark, curly, messy hair was falling in gentle waves over his forehead, and his hands were stuffed lazily in the pockets of his black khakis. He looked insanely handsome, even with the glasses that didn't quite fit right. He always did, but today it was even more emphasised than usual.

"Hey, Harry," Draco said, coming up to him. Harry turned his head and grinned- that perfect, bright smile that Draco had always loved. I can't believe I waited so long to tell him, he thought, and then asked Harry, "Want to go to the lake with me? We can talk, hang out, you know, do what normal boyfriends do." Harry put a finger to his chin for a moment, feigning indecision, then answered, "Sure. I'd love that." They locked eyes, and Draco's grin intensified. "Well then, let's go," he said.

They started to walk, and near the doors to the outside, Draco subconsciously reached for Harry's hand. Their hands fit neatly together, and they started to fall in step as they headed into the bright sunshine. There were a lot of students, a lot of whom seemed to have the same idea as Harry and Draco: enjoying the weather, spending time with their various relationships, and just being normal teenagers.

The two neared the lake, still holding hands, and collapsed on the perfectly manicured grass. Harry turned towards Draco and pulled him closer, and Draco let go of his hand and wrapped his arms instead around Harry's waist, clasping them over Harry's spine. His face found Harry's, and suddenly they were kissing. "I love you, Harry," he said softly, and he fully meant it. Harry said, just as softly, "I love you, Draco. I didn't realise it before, but I always have and I always will."

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