Chapter V

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Continues directly from last part of story.

Please leave in comments ideas for different truths and/or dares that I can use for next chapter


     After he had told them this, much to Harry's surprise, Luna started laughing. "Okay, so you might actually be gay, but you didn't have to call us here and introduce it in such a serious way. It's been evident since Lavender and Ron got together. I recall that you never really did understand their relationship," she said, glancing over at Ron, who had turned as red as his hair. "Also, I'm fine with you being gay. Look at me. I'm queer. Look at Hermione and Pansy." She cast an amused look at the two girls, who had just come apart and were now trying to look oblivious to the conversation. Pansy was doing a great job; Hermione, however, was not. "So, you see, it doesn't really matter what your sexuality is, just that you're still Harry and you're still our friend." As she said this, Harry grew increasingly sure that her goal was to make Draco cringe from all the sappiness; because if it was her goal, she was certainly succeeding.

Pansy fake-clapped sarcastically. "Dang, Luna," she said. "Career advice: consider being Minister, because they usually have your talent: making long, cringe-y speeches." Ron doubled over, laughing, and told Hermione, "Hey, she's just like you: extremely sarcastic and extremely assertive." He then got a kick under the table and a Silencing charm from Hermione. However, he didn't know what had happened to his voice, because Hermione had been practicing non-verbal spells over winter break but hadn't told them.

Since Ron couldn't talk after this, and since it was hilarious to watch Ron try to communicate with Hermione in what looked like the kind of sign language that you would never see being used in a church, the group decided to play a game of charades. Ron went first, trying to sign F-K U but mangling the hand movements so much that Luna suggested that he might be making a bunny rabbit. After she did that, Ron sat down huffily in a chair, which prompted a joke from Hermione about how shadow puppets can't be done in the daytime, so why would he try to make them? Ron glared at her and then sulkily curled up in his chair.

When a bit of time had passed, they were kicked out of the library by Madam Pince for laughing way too loudly ("I can't believe that Hermione of all people would make me do this!"), and they then went back to their respective common rooms (except for Ginny and Luna, as Ginny wanted to practice her throws for the upcoming Quidditch game and Luna wanted to watch her), and, as they left, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were stopped by Professor McGonagall. Hermione tensed up, but then visibly relaxed when all she said was that Ron should probably go change his robes, as they were wrinkled.

"I'm going to go study," Hermione told them, and then lifted the Silencing charm under her breath. "Goodbye, Harry. Goodbye, Ron." After that, she stepped elegantly through the portrait hole and into the common room. "What's up with her?" Harry asked Ron under his breath. Ron shrugged, because he didn't know that he could talk again, went through the portrait hole and up to the dorms, and promptly fell asleep.

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