Chapter IV

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Luna was walking to the library to return her books when suddenly Ginny came up beside her.

"Oh! Hello, Ginny!" Luna said, jumping a tiny bit.

"You good?" asked Ginny.

"Yes, you just startled me a bit," replied Luna. "How are you?"

"I'm doing well. What about you?"

"I'm fine."

Then Ginny realized that she had forgotten what she was there to ask, so she searched her brain for what it was. "Oh. Um, Harry wanted me to ask you if you would be okay with meeting him and Draco in the library.  He said something about how he 'would like to ask you about something'." Her expression suddenly grew hopeful. "I can walk you to them if you want," she offered.

"I'm actually already headed there to return some books, but you can walk with me if you would like," Luna told her.

Ginny smiled. "Okay! Thanks," she said, beaming from ear to ear.

When they had gotten to the library, without knowing it, Luna reached for Ginny's hand. "Thanks for being my friend," she whispered, blushing. They walked inside the library and returned Luna's books, and then they went over to the table in the back of the library where Harry, Draco, Ron, Pansy, and Hermione were sitting. They were chatting, and occasionally they would start laughing.

Draco was the first to look up and see Ginny and Luna standing there. "Well, that's one thing we can cross off our to-do list."

"What?" asked Harry, who had not yet noticed the two girls standing awkwardly about a foot away from the table.

 Draco replied with a playful smirk on his face as he picked up his quill and crossed the third item off of a literal list labeled To-Do list. "Getting Ginny and Luna together. Duh."

"Wait, they're already together?" He had looked towards the two girls as he said this, and he had noticed Ginny and Luna's intertwined fingers and incredibly close proximity to each other.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Well, it must have been Hermione who told you, because I know how oblivious you are to other people's relationships," she teased.

For some reason, everyone, including Luna, laughed at this. "Harry is pretty oblivious, isn't he?" said Hermione. "I had to point out to him that Draco had been acting more friendly." She laughed.

Harry suddenly straightened his posture, which made him look a lot more serious, even though his hair couldn't.  "All right. Now for the discussion that Draco and I wanted to have with all of you," he announced. "The first thing we wanted to talk about is this: I'm gay. The second thing we wanted to talk about is this: We're planning a game of truth-or-dare, and we wanted to invite you guys."

Truths and DaresNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ