"How'd you know what to do?" Josie asked.

"Umm, after you told me about you having panic attacks, I searched up ways to stop them and I found that if you're able to get their mind off of it, or whatever is causing the panic attack it sometimes helps. Another way is to hold your breath, so you may want to keep that in mind in case you ever can't get a hold of me." Jeremy said, sounding embarrassed.

"Thank you again," Josie said.

"It's no problem," Jeremy said. "Do you want to talk about what triggered it?"

Josie was silent for a moment.

"You don't have to, if you don't want to," Jeremy backtracked.

"No, no, it's okay. It's just my sister left for a bit and I couldn't help freaking out, even though I tried to remind myself that she was fine," Josie explained.

"It's okay to worry, she's your twin," Jeremy said. "But you have to remember that your sister is clearly strong. She can handle herself, and I think you should tell her about your panic attacks."

"I don't want her to worry," Josie whispered.

"She's your sister, she's going to worry anyways. If you tell her, you could work out a system for her to let you know that she's okay whenever she leaves your side. Like a cryptic text or something," Jeremy suggested.

"I'll think about it," Josie said.

"That's all I ask," Jeremy said, then there was talking on the other line. It sounded like a young woman and Jeremy called her Aunt Jenna.

"I need to go, are you going to be okay?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah, I'll be okay," Josie reassured.

"Call me if you need me, I'll answer, I promise," Jeremy said.

"Will do. Bye," Josie said.

"Bye, Jojo," Jeremy said, hanging up.

Josie smiled at the nickname.

She wiped her face and used magic to clean up her appearance.

Josie would be okay, she had to be. Time for her to find a souvenir.

She took down the cloaking spell and walked out of the alleyway.

Then, she entered one of the shops and began looking around.

Josie was trying to distract herself from her anxiety.

She didn't want to have another panic attack in the middle of the French Quarter.

She needed to follow Jeremy's advice.

Josie had to find a distraction.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a brunette teenager that was younger than her. browsing the shelves. For some reason, she looked familiar.

Not in the, she's met her before but the, she's seen her face before.

That was when Josie noticed the magic.

The girl was a witch.

Josie turned and pretended to look around on the shelf as the girl came closer.

Then, Josie 'accidentally' bumped into her, causing the girl to drop the stuff in her arms.

"Oh, my god!" Josie exclaimed. "I'm so sorry."

Josie bent down to help her pick up the stuff.

"I should have been looking where I was going," Josie said, handing her the stuff.

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