Chapter 13

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Getting back to the Flynn-Fletcher house with the two Doofenshmirtzes is an experience, to say the least. Doofenshmirtz drives, obviously, and Vanessa sits shotgun. Perry would have been fine sitting in the back, but Doofenshmirtz refuses to let that happen, because a platypus can't wear a seatbelt and he wants to set a good example for Vanessa. Instead, he has Perry sit in Vanessa's lap, holding him as though she were the seatbelt. It's embarrassing, to say the least.

"Doofenshmirtz?" Perry says warily.

"What's up, platy-buddy?" Doofenshmirtz asks.

"These people we're going to go see —"

"Are spies?" Doofenshmirtz guesses eagerly. "Or ninjas? Pirates?"

"They're normal," Perry says. "And they think I'm just a normal platypus. You can't tell them that I'm not."

"Ooh, secrets!" Doofenshmirtz claps his hands, excited. "I love secrets!"

Perry just sighs. This is going to suck. Why did he let Doofenshmirtz guilt him into letting him come?

They pull up on the street out front, and Perry finds out that Doofenshmirtz cannot parallel park to save his life. Perry takes the platypus-translator-inator off and sets it down between the front seats. He opens the door and hops off Vanessa's lap, and by the time he hits the ground, he's already hid his hat and he lands on all fours.

Both Doofenshmirtzes get out, and Dr. Doofenshmirtz heads to the other side of the car. He looks around, puzzled. "Where did Perry the Platypus go?"

Perry chatters loudly.

"He's right there," Vanessa says, pointing at him.

"Not every platypus is Perry the Platypus, Vanessa," Doofenshmirtz says. "Perry the Platypus has a fedora."

"He's undercover, remember?" Vanessa says. "These people think he's just a normal platypus, so he —"

"So he left, and he put a normal platypus in his place!" Doofenshmirtz finishes for her. "Genius!"

"Dad —"

Perry taps Vanessa on the foot to get her attention and shakes his head. Perry could spell it out himself, and Doofenshmirtz still wouldn't get it. There's no point in trying to explain.

"Okay, Dad, do you have the transistor?" Vanessa asks.

Doofenshmirtz holds up the transistor.

"Alright, let's go get this over with," she mutters, and Perry has to agree.

Perry leads them to the backyard, and Vanessa opens the gate for him. Perry expects them to be in and out, likely leaving Perry behind, but, obviously, that's too much to hope for.

"Ferb?" Vanessa says in disbelief.

Perry looks up at the boy, who smiles and waves without a word. How the heck does quiet little Ferb know Vanessa Doofenshmirtz?

"Hi, Vanessa!" Phineas says, also waving. "Hi, Vanessa's dad!"

"Hi, triangular-headed boy!" Doofenshmirtz replies.

Phineas gasps. "Vanessa, you found Perry?" He runs over and picks his platypus up, giving him a hug. "Oh, Perry, I'm sorry, buddy! I didn't mean to scare you away!"

Perry chatters.

"Wait, you guys know Perry?" Vanessa says, shocked.

"Yeah, he's our pet," Phineas says. "How do you know Perry?"

"Oh, he, uh..." Vanessa looks at Perry nervously. "He comes by sometimes."

"Yeah, he's my nemesis," Doofenshmirtz adds.

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