Chapter 3

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Perry is used to accidentally letting Doofenshmirtz get off one or two misguided shots before taking down his inator. He's just not used to pushing the button with his own hand. Even as he saw the ray shooting out, he knew he wasn't going to forgive himself for this. Either he had just unleashed a horrible person from another dimension in Danville, or he just brought Doofenshmirtz a new friend, and both options involved probably not seeing Doofenshmirtz as often. He would either have to clean up this mess on his own, essentially being reassigned to the universe's new inhabitants, or he'd have to watch as Doofenshmirtz essentially replaced him.

That's all Doofenshmirtz really wanted, anyway. He just wants someone to keep him company, and Perry was more than happy to be that someone while he took out all the inators. That's the thing about nemeses: you love to hate them. It's definitely true with their relationship.

Unfortunately, Perry's an OWCA agent second and a nemesis third, so when he sees two men standing in the middle of the street with guns, he knows they take priority. But then he realizes that this street they're standing on is less than a block away from Phineas and Ferb's giant backyard invention of the day, and while he does place his position at OWCA above his relationship with his nemesis, he cares more about his host family that anyone else on the planet.

Perry leaves Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated without a moment of hesitation. He's determined to get to those two men before they find his host family. Phineas and Ferb's new summer activity is impossible to miss, and Perry doesn't trust anyone hopping through dimensions with a gun, regardless of whether they may have been planning to go and why.

But when he gets to the street they had been standing on, they're gone. So, as a last-ditch effort, Perry heads home. He'll check on his family first, then get in touch with Major Monogram. He's going to want to hear about this.

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