Chapter 6

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So maybe the kid wasn't lying.

One moment, the giant dome is standing tall in the backyard. The next moment, it's gone — and not long before Sam and Dean reach the front of the line, which is annoying. There's a collective groan from everyone else waiting in line, and they disperse.

"Great," Dean mutters. "That's just great."

"Hey, just 'cause the thing's gone doesn't mean we can't talk to them," Sam says. "What did the guy call them? Phineas and Ferb? Maybe they can help."

"What, you think they can build an interdimensional portal?" Dean asks skeptically. "That's a bit of a leap to make from a giant dome."

"Well, we don't have much choice, do we?" Sam asks. "It's either ask around or just sit on our asses and hope Jack can open another rift, and call me.crazy, but I really don't think Jack knows how to track us through dimensions."

Dean hesitates, then sighs. "Fine. Let's go."

They head to the yard that used to house a giant dome. There's no one waiting out front, so Sam and Dean head to the gate to the backyard instead. This is where the line had been heading, after all. It's probably where they'll find the goods.

"Ready?" Sam asks, hand on the gate.

Dean reaches under his flannel, his hand around his gun. "Ready."

Sam pushes the gate open, expecting to see something big and bad. Instead, there's just a group of kids about to head inside. The Winchesters freeze. Is this not Phineas and Ferb's house? Did they mix up the addresses? What's going on?

"What do you want?" one of the kids — a larger boy in a black skull tee shirt — asks them, which is all it takes to get the attention of the other kids.

"Oh, we, uh..." Dean drops his hand to his side and looks at his brother helplessly.

"We were looking for someone," Sam says. "But I think we have the wrong house."

"Who are you looking for?" a different boy — smaller, with orange hair and a triangular head — asks. "Maybe we know them."

"Phineas and Ferb?" Sam says, which is honestly more of a question than an answer.

"Oh, that's us!" he says with a grin. "I'm Phineas. That's my brother, Ferb." He gestures to a taller boy with green hair. "Why do you ask?"

"Woah, hang on," Dean says. "You two built that giant dome thing?"

"Well, not just us," Phineas says. "Isabella, Buford, and Baljeet helped, too."

"And, let me guess," Dean deadpans. "Those are the other kids standing right next to you."

Phineas nods.

"Uh huh..." Dean looks at Sam, who's just as unsure as to how to proceed from here.

"What do you need?" Phineas asks. "If you're looking for the Baseball W-6 game, it already disappeared."

"The what?" Sam asks.

"Baseball W-6," Phineas repeats. "You know, the most extreme hypothetical way to play? Like Football X-7 and Hockey Z-9."

"Right, right," Dean mutters. "Um... okay, I think we have the wrong house."

"Are you sure?" Phineas asks. "There's no other Phineas or Ferb in the tri-state area."

"Yeah, no, I'm pretty sure," Dean says. "Thanks."

"Kids?" a woman calls from inside the house. "Are you coming? Don't want Candace to eat all the pie on you!"

"In a minute!" Phineas calls back. He turns back to Sam and Dean to ask, "Do you guys want some pie?"

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