Daddy Dreams

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  I try to open my eyes but I can't. Why? Okay, one more time. Ugh! One more. They opened. But, I don't see mommy or Charlie.

      "Mommy?" No answer.

         "Charlie?" Still no answer.

         "MOMMA! CHARLIE!" I yelled. No answer. I got up and ran around. My mouth is closed but, I'm talking in my head? I don't know.

     "Mommy. I'm scared." I yelled for Demi. But, I just see a park, with rainbows and I guess it's a playground. I run to it to see if mommy or Charlie would see me or something.

         "Helwo?" Was all I could say.

        "Bubbles?" The person said. Wait, but there was only one person who called me that. But, he isn't here anymore. But, how? I turned around and saw,



          "Ms.Lovato?" Someone called. It's been days since we were here because Kenna was rushed right through the doors and I wasn't allowed to go in. And since then, I wasn't allowed to be inside. Like, hello do you know who the heck I am? And especially since it's my daughter? Do these people understand? I got up, carried Charlie since she was asleep, got her crutches and went to doctor. Wow, she was light. I gotta change that.  We walked to his office and both sat down.

       "Ms.Lovato, you're daughter really hurt her head badly that's made her go into a coma. But, what happened?"

        "C-coma?" As all I can say. Coma. Like when a person is a state?

       "Yes. But, we need to know what happened."

        "I-I don't know. I was talking to my older daughter and someone came in telling me she fainted."

         "Okay. We say that she'll be in it for a few hours, but, if she's still in it, then three-for days max. Or we'll have to examine her head injury."

     I nodded and got up.

        "Can I go and see her?"

     He nodded and gave me her room number. I thanked him and sped walk towards her room. When we're walking, Charlie got up and pushed herself out of me carrying her.

      "Demi. I'm heavy. Don't pick me up. You'll sore your arms." She was able to say until she knew what she said and got quiet.

       "Charlie. Follow me." Was all I could say when she said that. Why? She's not heavy. She's way too far from being heavy. She's light. She's probably around Kenna's weight. Maybe lighter. Demi fix this. Now! We got to her room and saw her connected to a lot of wires.

         "Baby." Was what I was managed to say.


      "DADDY!" I screamed. Daddy's here. But, he is not here anymore. He doesn't. I ran to him and gave him a hug.

      "D-daddy? How? I thought you were gone?"

       "I know bubbles. I know. I am gone. But you can't leave yet. You have to stay with that nice girl and the nice lady that got you and the girl."

       "Who? Demi and Charlie?"

       "That's their names? Oh. But, Yeah. I'm sorry I was gone. But, it isn't your time yet. Trust me. I know it isn't."

        "But, can I Stay a little. Then I can leave. I wanna catch up with you."

        He nodded and we ran to the playground. I missed my Daddy. A lot. I never liked mommy. Well, old mommy. I like new mommy and Charlie.



      "Why can't I Stay? I missed you. A lot. And when I need you you are never there. Why?"

      "Because You can't yet. You didn't past the line yet. And I am with you. How do you think Demi adopted you? Or Charlie being your friend?"


       "Yeah. I asked God if he can do it."

       "And he did?"

       "He did."


       "And Daddy?"


       "What's the line?'

      "It's a line Where it takes you out of being Kenna and you get to be angel Kenna. Understand?"


         "Okay. You know How I left right?"


      "Well, I already past the line. I saw everything that happened in my life. Did you?"

      "No Daddy. I didn't."

     "Well, that's why."


       "Yeah bubbles. Don't feel bad. I'll always be right here." He said while point to my heart.


       "Always. I promise." He said while kissing my head.

      "Do I have to go now?"

     "Do you love Demi and Charlie?"

      "Yeah. I do. A lot."

      "Well, How would you think they'll feel if you're gone?"

        "I don't know. They'll feel sad."

       "Yeah. Do you want them to be sad?"

     "No I don't. Charlie and Demi have been through enough already."

     "Okay. So, I think It's time to go."

       "But Daddy-"

     "No. Bubbles. I'm always with you Okay. I promise you. And when It's your time, then we can play together again. Alright."

       "O-okay Daddy."

     "I love You bubbles."

    "I love you too Daddy."

That's when I saw a doctor talking to mommy.

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