I Love You Always

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He got me from my arms and dragged me to his body.

"Shut up little brat or I'll kill you."

"Momma!" I screamed. She promised she'll protect us. Where is she now!

"That's it." He got his knife and stab my arm. I screamed louder than ever. Foot steps were coming fast towards my room.

"Alexander Pape, this is the police. Let the child go."

"Where's Demi?" He asked.

"None of your business. Let the child go or else."

"Or else what?"

"Just let the kid go. What did she do to you?"

"She took Demi. Now I'm gonna kill her." He took the knife again, but missed since he got shot in his leg. Making us both fall to the floor.

"You are under arrest. Whatever you say or do will count against you in court." He picked him up. And talked to his walkie-talkie, saying to bring an ambulance over so they can take me and I guess Alexander to the hospital.

"Baby!" Demi screamed while coming towards me. She let go of a knife she had in her hand as I limped away from her to her room, locked it shut and hid from her. She promised. She said She was coming. Why didn't she come!

"Charlie open the door please." She began.

"W-why should I? Y-you promised t-to take care of u-us. You l-lied." I said when I began to cry.

"No baby. Please. I was here already. The police didn't let me go in. Please Charlie, I would never let nothing happen to you. Please open the door." She said, cracking her words at the end. She's an actress. She's probably lying. Actors lie. Why should I believe her?

"Stop l-lying! Y-your an a-actress. A-actresses lie!" I screamed.

"Baby. Please I promised you nothing will happen to you. I know this time it didn't happen. But, please forgive me. Please open the door." She was crying right there. I felt bad. Why did I freak out like this? It was the same they told me when I was at the orphanage. Why would I go like this? I stood up, limped to the door ad opened it. That's where She boomed into the room and ran to me.

"B-baby, I'm sorry. P-please forgive me?" She was sobbing like crazy. I had to forgive her. Right?

"I forgive you momma."

"I-I promise that n-nothing will h-happen to you or to Kenna. Understand?"

I nodded and she carried me down the stairs to the ambulance. My arm was still bleeding badly and well my knee was, well still gushing blood. But, She really didn't care, knowing the fact that her shirt was getting stained with my blood. First, She put me on the gurney. Then, she got Kenna and put her inside the ambulance, but before She put sunglasses on us because well, paps (I guess that's what they're called) can take pics of us and stuff will happen, I don't know but like yeah.

"Ms.Lovato, she'll need to stitch up her knee since it's really open. What happened?"

"I was running home because they were kids following me home, so I ran and I guess I fell because I tripped on the sidewalk when I turned the corner."

"Okay. Uh, Ms.Lovato, can you sign this with her information please."

Mom got it and finished it within seconds. I guess She really does knows us well. She gave it back to man and just sat there with sleeping Kenna while we were on our way to the hospital.


I ran inside, got a knife, you know just in case, and went upstairs slowly just to be pulled by an officer.

"Dude, get off me. That's my daughter up there. Let me help her."

"Mam, we can't let you up there without police helping you. Let us do our work and get the intruder."

I nodded and went back to Kenna. I got her and was just hugging her for dear life.


"Yeah baby?"

"I'm scared. Where's Charlie?"

"Shes coming. Okay. Just go to sleep okay. When you wake up, you'll see her okay."

"Okay. Night mommy."

"Good night baby." I kissed her head and right there she fell asleep. I put her back into her chair when I heared screaming. I closed the door, and ran upstairs, but again I was being pulled away from another cop.

"My daughter just fucking screamed! Let me the hell alone!" I said while I got over the officers grip and went gain to get the knife and ran upstairs just in time when they were arrest him and Charlie was just right there.

"Baby!" I yelled when I was going towards her. I let the knife go to the floor as she got up and thinking that She was gonna come to me, She didn't. She ran towards my room and locked the door shut.

"Charlie open the door please." I began.

"W-why should I? Y-you promised t-to take care of u-us. You l-lied." She said when I heard her begin to cry.

"No baby. Please. I was here already. The police didn't let me go in. Please Charlie, I would never let nothing happen to you. Please open the door." I said, cracking my words at the end.

"Stop l-lying! Y-your an a-actress. A-actresses lie!" She screamed.

"Baby. Please I promised you nothing will happen to you. I know this time it didn't happen. But, please forgive me. Please open the door." There was silence for like a minute till She opened the door. I ran to her and we both fell

"B-baby, I'm sorry. P-please forgive me?" She was sobbing like crazy. I had to forgive her. Right?

"I forgive you momma."

"I-I promise that n-nothing will h-happen to you or to Kenna. Understand?"

   She nodded and I carried her downstairs. Her arm was bleeding badly and along with her knee. Wait, the heck happened to her knee? I'll ask her later. But, it was staining on my shirt, I can care less though. I just want her to be alright and know that's she's safe. I carried her to the gurney, then to went to go get Kenna from the car and climbed inside the ambulance. But first, I put on Kenna's, Charlie's and my sunglasses because of those annoying paps are going to see me and take pictures.

"Ms.Lovato, she'll need to stitch up her knee since it's really open. What happened?" Asked the paramedic.

"I was running home because they were kids following me home, so I ran and I guess I fell because I tripped on the sidewalk when I turned the corner. And anything arm was just from what just happened."

"Okay. Uh, Ms.Lovato, can you sign this with her information please." He responded. He gave me a stack of papers and I went through them quickly. I gave them back and just looked at both of the girls.

    What am I gonna do?

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