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Ahhhhh stereotypes, Indians work at 7/11, Chinese people can't drive, and Americans are fat. OF COURSE THIS IS ALL WRONG! Well that's not what the kids at school think. The bullying was getting worse for Fatima. People pulled her hijab, called her things like towel head, and once in the locker room she told me that one girl stole her scarf. Fatima was type of person who never let her feelings show, trying to put others in front of her. I've told her to tell the school before but she never listens. Since 1/4 of the school was muslim, I decided to organize something. First I told the guidance counselor, Ms.mallard about Fatima's problem. She didn't really do anything about it, so I took matter into my own hands. Mr.Ali, who was the principal, was muslim making the plan a little easier.
Sorry that wasn't much of an update. I'm just Really lazy. Don't worry you'll get to hear more about the plan in the next Chapter!

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