Crushes and rejections

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'Twas the 2nd week of middle school, and I had survived so far. Eye candy was what he was, Josh hesseners, could God have created someone hotter? He sat In front of me in science class. Every muslim girl's dream was to reject your crush, because you could never say yes. In Islam there is a simple no contact with the opposite sex rule before marriage. There I sat in science class,daydreaming about rejecting him. It couldn't be possible. I'm not that hot. Suddenly the bell rang and I was rushing to my locker. I got my English books out and went straight

"Today we will be writing poetry for a loved one.", Ms.liness announced.

"That seems pretty easy", I thought to myself. I wrote it about my glorious mother and was the 5th person done.

"Oh mother,
Oh mother,
You carried me for 9 months,
You took on pain for me,
Even when I was grown you did the same for me
The heaven lies beneath your feet
So now for the rest of your life I will give you a real treat,
I love you mom!"

I hope I get a 100 on this! Then I went to lunch, where I sat with Fatima, China, and Bianca. We all discussed how our classes were going, Fatima had all high A's (why is she so perfect???), China had a couple B's and Bianca had all 100s, for I had acceptable A's.

"What is going on with Jenny?", China asked.

"You mean that popular girl?", I said .


"She is a hot mess! She is horribly failing, has gone through 3 boyfriends already, but still has the nerve to talk bad about others!", Bianca tell us like it is, She was one of her "victims".

"Ya Allah, that girl need some sense slapped into her!", Fatima announced.

We all started to giggle. Before we knew it the bell had rang, and we had to go to our separate classes. While I was
Going upstairs a boy stops me.

"Hey Ayeena you got a minute?", Carlos said.


"you wanna be my girlfriend ?", He says to me with a smirk on his face.

"Sorry man, gonna have to reject you", I say nervously.

"Why?", He confidentially asks.

"I'm muslim Carlos,I can't date."

"Oh.",He looks down and frowns.

Trust me Carlos is hot like HAWT and sweet, but you knew the rule. That right there was mega awks!
Soooo yeah that's my second chapter. Hope you liked it! If you have any suggestions for characters or anything at all please comment!

School through my eyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon