Noya sooooo did u get a break or????

Terushima it's a 15 min break 

Kuroo sounds fun

Terushima yeaaaahhh ig

Akaashi terushima private chat now

Terushima yes sir

Terushima whats wrong??

Akaashi wellllllllll I met Kou's parents yesterday right

Akaashi welll it was going good and stuff and they liked me at first

Akaashi then Bo said something stupid like he always does

Akaashi but apperently not around his parents

Akaashi and I laughed at it and then they didn't like me they said that I'm condoning his childish behavior

Terushima I can fly to Tokyo to beat them up for u

Akaashi no it's fine but we left and he was like I wanna meet ur parents now

Akaashi  i haven't came out to my dad yet bc I mostly live with my mom right

Akaashi but I don't wanna tell him that my parents are divorced what if he changes his mind abt me bc of it

Akaashi so I was like not today maybe tmrw and he jokingly said what do they not know about me or something

Akaashi and I didn't awnser he asked again and I shook my head

Akaashi Bo asked me if I was asham or something and I said no but my dad doesn't know that I'm gay

Akaashi somethings were said and we started arguing and he said that I was just with him out of pity and that I have a thing for u

Akaashi which I'm not with him out of pity or have a thing for u

Akaashi so I did something really stupid I said if thats how u feel then, maybe we shouldn't be together and now we're broken up

Terushima oh

Terushima I'm sorry

Terushima like for good??

Akaashi I don't know I hope not but he wouldn't even look at me during morning practice

Terushima I could talk to him if u want

Akaashi no please don't get involved

Akaashi it might fuel his idea that I have a thing for u

Akaashi so please don't talk to him for me

Terushima ok

Akaashi promise me you won't

Terushima I promise
------------------back in GC

Atsumu I'm just saying that until I die I'm immortal

Osamu shut up please

Osamu ur embarrassing me and our team

Atsumu I am immortal until proven mortal

Daishou dudes gotta point

Atsumu I don't know u

Atsumu but marry me

Suna that's Kita's job

Terushima what did I just click on to???

Oikawa u have said worse in this chat stfu

Terushima okay I have to get back to practice my breaks over

Oikawa tell my husband I love him

Kuroo why can't u talk to Iwa urself??

Oikawa I meant Kai thank you very much

Oikawa I'm with Iwa right now so obviously I wasnt talking abt him

Lev so I just ate the Apple Pie that was saved for Kenma in the club room

Kuroo nice knowing u

Hinata Lev I'll go to ur funeral

Lev could I buy him like 10 apple pies

Atsumu how much of it did u eat??

Lev two pieces

Suna and ur gonna buy 10 whole pies to make up for two pieces

Lev they were the last two pieces

Suna buuut it's just two pieces

Kuroo I took a small bite of his apple pie once and he almost shaved my head and preformed transition surgery

Lev on second thought I'll buy 20

Bokuto do u guys think Akaashi and Terushima have feelings for each other??

Kuroo no

Osamu why do u ask that??

Hinata but I thought that Terushima liked Akaashi???


Atsumu shut up

Osamu DUDE

Bokuto soooo teru likes Keji??

Osamu no

Noya not at all

Kuroo hinata is just thinking of Terushima liking one of his old teammates

Atsumu yeah there's a second year named Kakashi on Jozenji

Bokuto okay

Bokuto so Akaashi does not like Teru??

Kuroo ask him ur self dude

Bokuto okay that's probably a better idea

*hides behind captain america shield and Changbin * don't kill me please I haven't been to Disneyland Paris.

Haikyuu  TextsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon