Confession 6 - MekBoss

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A little over a year quickly passed, the engineering gang graduated sans Mek; no one knew where he went, but the most logical one was he returned home. They contacted his parents but they wouldn't answer any questions.

In reality, it was quite simple, Mek transferred and finished his studies abroad. After graduation, like any adult, he found a job. He slowly mended his wounds, while occasionally, he still thought about those agonizing but memorable years, each time he reminded himself, it's all in the past.

He had thought he was never going to go back, but life had a funny way of not letting one live in peace; his boss transferred him to their home Thailand... ... ...

The moment he met the team all the memories he tried so hard to repress the last year flooded back, a familiar voice among his colleagues rang out, "Mek?!"

The runt of the group ignored everyone's stares, grabbed Mek's arm and dragged him to his car then sped to his condo.

Mek didn't resist, he was too numb.

In all of Thailand, out of all the damn companies, with so many branch offices, the thousands of teams, why the fuck this one?

They stepped out, his old home?...

Mek let Boss string him along, what else could he do? He cannot out run fate...

Mek was hauled in to his old room, while his face was still emotionless, his mind ran in all directions, he was dizzy, too many images struck him at once. Nothing changed, it wasn't his abode anymore, yet, it was...?

On the bed, a box, Boss opened it and took out a nametag, it was ripped, but there was a band-aid holding it together.

Boss grabbed Mek's hands.

Timidly, he lowered his head, "I'm sorry, I didn't see it before, all those times, it wasn't because I choose to ignore it, I really never knew. You know how stupid I am. I'm always clueless, that's why I need you there to explain it to me." Mek wanted to leave, a year later, answering those questions, why now!?

Calmly, he raised his head and looked into Mek's eyes, "I didn't know the things that I had asked you to do with me or teach me had caused you pain. You were right, Fon was never there, unlike were always by my side. And...and you never complained, you were patient, you never yelled at me. After you left, I broke up with her." He didn't want to hear it, it will give him hope.

Tearfully, he put his arms around him, "I...I don't know if it was because I didn't feel it or if I was trying to avoid it, I can't tell you now because I really don't know myself." Then don't know, stop holding on!

Regrettably, he tightened the hug, "I didn't know...that when I use to talk about girls that it was like knives to your heart." They're still sharp, yet there is no heart, but why does it still hurt.

Purely, he laid his head on his chest, "Calling you...the...the best Husband in the whole wide world second nature to me. I got use to it over the years! I didn't know if it mattered if we took it seriously or not." Those words, he hadn't heard it in a year, it sounds nice.

Truthfully, his tears soaked Mek's shirt, "I don't want anything more from you, I...I just...just want what you gave me before. It wasn't at first sight, but I've come to understand it." This is it, the cliff, he stood on the edge, just one push and it would be over.

Honestly, he pulled apart slightly and moved his hands up to his neck, "I don't want to be apart from you anymore! It's too painful!" The nudge didn't come?

Questioningly, he tipped toed, "Can we...please...continue where we left off?" A hand pulled him back.

Anxiously, he inched forward, "The...the song, I...I get it now! I was so, so, so stupid!" The lyrics played in his head.

Apologetically, he closed the distance, "Can you forgive me and...and...and..." What was there to forgive, he forced his love on him, it should be him asking for clemency.

Finally, lips met, "Love me again!?" The softness...

Fleetingly, they broke apart, expectant eyes gazed up, "Bestest Husband in the whole wide world, can I keep calling you that?"

My Engineer - Mek x Boss - ConfessionWhere stories live. Discover now