Confession 5 - MekBoss

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Mek hurriedly brought out his suitcase and packed whatever he could; clothes randomly thrown in, a few photos and official documentations.

As he was about to exit his room, he took one last look at his side closet, his most precious memory vault, his holy Boss shrine. His hand went to his name tag, Quiet Husband, and ripped it in to two pieces. It fell to the floor, he told himself, he will now be free from that title, even though he knew, destroying a simple piece of paper wouldn't change the past.

The one next to it, Cheeky Wife, he wanted to do the same, but couldn't bring himself to. He could never. He wanted to bring it with him, but it was too heavy; he shakily put it back. Not a single item was taken, he was determined to leave everything behind.

He has hurt himself and Boss enough.

He was too weak, if he had only held out for a few more months, they would have graduated together. They could have shared another milestone then amicably take their own path. He ruined it.

He had imagined they were going to happily go their separate ways...

His feelings would eventually fade, he would find someone else...

Boss would start a family with Fon...

They would occasionally see each other for birthdays or events, but lose contact as the years goes on...

But he wrecked it all...

He rolled the luggage out, as he was about to end the most painful chapter of his life thus far, he hesitated. He looked at Boss again and the possessive, jealous, selfish side momentarily took over. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't remain a gentleman and tenderly placed his lips on his sleeping best friend.

He felt like a horrible human being, but he didn't want anyone else to take his Cheeky Wife's first kiss, even if he won't be his, he'll have this to remember for the rest of his life.

He left a yellow sticky note and crossed the threshold...

To the naked eye, he left an ordinary post-it, but to Mek, endless words that he could no longer speak, it was the last of his feelings.

"I'm sorry."

Mek's apology to Boss, for taking his first kiss without permission, for causing all this pain, for him being in this state, for loving him, for leaving him, for giving up, for not having the courage to go on being friends...

"Please take care of yourself."

Mek's parting words to Boss, don't ever hurt himself again, remember to eat, don't go randomly chasing after other people's girlfriend, pay attention when riding his bike, don't forget to study, his jokes are kind of lame, it makes people think he's awkward, so he should stop, don't do anything stupid because he won't be there to help him anymore...

The next morning Boss woke up feeling like a truck had hit him, he had a migraine, eyes stung, throat was parched, his body was aching and too warm, and hands...he looked at them, they looked like they were ready to be put into boxer mittens...

Someone bandaged him...Mek...

He yelled for his Quiet Husband, "Mek?! Mek!!!"

He had fallen asleep, how could he!

He got off the couch and the square piece of paper fell to the ground, once Boss read it he ran into the unfamiliar room that he was never allowed in to, even though he is the wife.

Remnants of Mek's name tag laid on the cold hard ground.

It can't be, where is he?

The drawers and closet doors were half-opened and partially emptied.

In a moment of clarity, one intelligent thought came through, "Passport!" With his wrapped hands and puffy fingers he went through all of the drawers, not there.

The closet, he fumbled through the rest of the items, he couldn't find it.

He came to the last place, he prayed it would be there, but what he saw crushed him. The name tag that was thrown out because he hated the name, Cheeky Wife.

The pictures, all of them, in groups, of just him, the ones he didn't like, that he had discarded, they had found a home after being dumped.

The band-aid? That time when Mek punched that scary guy to save him...He didn't use it? It's just a stupid plaster! Why did he keep it?

The old glasses that he no longer needed because he thought contacts would attract more girls. He couldn't even recall what he did with it, did he leave it with the optometrist? Why is it here?

The Polaroid at the cafe, when did he acquire it?

Boss picked up the two pieces of paper on the floor and hugged it to his chest, if Mek was going to come back, there was no way he would have let him see what he had just saw.

All the things that he had thrown away without a care in the world, Mek had treasured them,'s gone, he didn't take anything with him...did Mek want to toss him out of his life? He doesn't want him anymore?

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