Parallel Universe

Start from the beginning

"I suppose your little schnookie could take a lookie at a cookie." Leo picked one up and hesitantly took a bite, it was gorgeous. "Wow"

"They're from our gourmet cafeteria." Perry guided Leo into to see.

"Gourmet? This coming from the woman who thinks mould is a vegetable?" Leo walked into the cafeteria and saw delicious food and bright yellow tables, and, and hot lunch ladies. "Whoa whoa whoa, those are the lunch ladies?"

"Yeah, we tried to find prettier ones, but they'll do."

Chase, Adam and Bree got up from their seats, making Leo notice them.

"Guys! There you are!" Leo exclaimed. "This is unbelievable!"

"Whoa whoa whoa, hey, everyone check it out. We got an exchange student from Nerdistan. Ha!" Chase Yelled, he wore a dingos sports jersey and was somehow managing to hold a football.

"Yeah, like, step off, we don't know you." Bree said, acting like a total diva. "And fyi i wouldn't put my poodle in that outfit."

"Come on guys its me, Leo. You guys are Adam, Bree and Chase Davenport."

Adam in the back, wore all black and started jotting things down in a note book. "Uh, no, we're Adam, Bree and Chase Henderson. Are you lost little guy?"

"I don't understand."

"Ugh, there is so much to not understand in life, isn't there, like what would happen if we all just stopped for a second and just existed." Adam said very philosophically, then spoke in French.

Leo looked around him, he was full of uncertainty over what had happened, or more likely what was happening. Behind him he saw Amelia standing in a shadowy corner making out with some random guy. "Uh what is Amelia doing?"

"Amelia, is like, the biggest, and i mean biggest, cheater in school. Literally, she just goes around everywhere. She even Cheated on Chase, like, a week ago."

"Amelia, what? But that isn't parallel" Leo said under his breath as the bell rang.

"Wait, guys, come on. We're best friends! Im even bionic now, see I haven't even shown you my lightning fingers." Leo accidentally zapped the bin next to the siblings causing them to scream and run, run as fast as they could. "And those are my lightning fingers."

At the end of the day Mr Davenport was waiting at the bottom of the staircase for Leo. "Hey, leo"

"What are you doing here?"

"I always pick you up from school, a0 because your mother insists on it and b) its the only few minutes a day i can enjoy natural sunlight."

"This world is so much different from my world."

They talked some more, until the Henderson's came up to them and asked to talk to Leo.  Thrilled that Leo had finally made friends he told Leo to meat him in the car as they spoke.
They told Leo they decided not to call the authorities on him for being bionic, Leo was relieved and grateful, so much so he gave the Henderson's a group hug. But it was a hug he should have refused as Bree let go and pushed him outwards into a tall man dressed Men in Black style.
Leo was devastated, his friends, his family had betrayed him. The man held onto Leo's arm so he wouldn't run away, but Leo wasn't about to anyway, he was too busy questioning why they would do that to him.
But from behind, Perry was walking up ever so cautiously with the cookie tray, she smashed it across the mans head giving Leo time to escape. Mr davenport walked back into school, asking if Leo was coming or not, then he saw what saw going on and quickly scooted out of the school after Leo had super speeded away.

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