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" So what have you been up to Dave?" Rooney asked as she stared into her sandwich looking for god knows what.

" How does it matter? I mean atleast I am keeping my opinions to myself" he groaned as he ate his lunch.

" Okie... You Brooke?"

" Well atleast I don't act like a jerk!"

" Yeah right" Dave said staring at me.

" Oh really? Yeah? You know because---" I said before Rooney interrupted

" Okay enough! I am gonna go. I have an appeal meeting to be but whatever this is, is getting solved before I am back or even Ashley from her break. Is that clear? Good" she said as she left.

" Jerk!"

" Oh yeah look in the mirror."

" Ya right"

" You can't even spell!"

"And you make out with random girls!"

" Oh my god "

" Ughhh"

" I hate you so much " we shouted together as we kissed?

Lips smack*

" What is this?" I asked looking confused.

" I don't know because I still hate you but I wanna kiss you because I like you?"

" Exactly! And what's the deal with Bianca?"

" Oh did you think we were? Oh no eww she is like a sister to me. Literally she is my sister"

" Eww gross!"

" I'm kidding chill, she just wants to get back together with her old boy friend and I am just kissing her to make him jealous"

" Oh" I sighed in relief.


" Hey Bianca and Ashley" we waved at them.

" Thank you so much Davey our plan totally worked he asked me out again but now I'm gonna play hard to get. Thanks again love ya" Bianca said as she sits next to him and kisses on his cheek. " You know you both can be a pretty cute couple I mean not as good as my and Dave's fake thing but still..." She said pointing at the both of us.

" No no no, she is okay and him too. Dave there's someone I want you to meet. Dave meet Aliya, Aliya this is Dave" Ashley gulped.

" Um we already know each other" Aliya said making a face.

" Yeah" Dave said looking at me.

" No no now, you go enjoy yourselves with the date uh um you planned for yourselves after uh school " Ashley said pushing them away.

" Huh?" Dave said looking behind, towards me and Aliya making a confused face looking at me.

" You missy, no matter how cute you think he is, he is not the one for you and I know that better than any one because I don't want you to get hurt again and your friend Aliya doesn't really seem to care"

" Hey! You don't know her!" I kinda said angrily." And chill, I don't like Dave at all and I don't wanna date him or any thing. You have to chill and don't you ever say anything like this about Aliya again. She doesn't hurt people infact she has never dated anyone"

" Well then this will be good for her and I'm sorry."

" How was the date?" I sighed.

" We didn't go on a date. I know how you feel about him"

" No I don't infact I hate him so much that--"

" You wanna kiss him?" She interrupted.

" Okay so yeah maybe you know me too well but--"

" No buts. After Ace and the whole breakup thing I think he'll be good for you. He couldn't stop taking about you. So, go for it! You have my blessing" she laughed.

" I'll think about it... with the whole break up thing, I need some time."

" Yeah ofcourse, ooohhh and you said breakup without shedding any tears so that's some progress!" She said as we both chuckled.

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