bathroom's that way.

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"Hana, come."


After we cleaned up the delivery food, Beomgyu suddenly stood up and went into his "bedroom." When I followed, I saw him pulling a piece of clothing out of a grand pile. He held it in front of me for a vague measurement. 

"I think this works." 

He nodded to himself. 

"And this..."

He held a pair of track pants out. 

"Ok, this works too. Here."

He handed me a white tshirt that I recognized him wearing in almost every vlive and a pair of black trackpants. 


"You's 10 already." His cheeks turned pink as if he had just danced for 3 hours straight. He placed his hands on the back of this neck and I saw his round pupils wander around. I've never seen him so vulnerable and flustered. 

"The bathroom is that way..." Without looking at me or waiting for a response, he turned and guided me out of the room.

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