Chapter 22 - Drunk In A Field

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"Right, girls, what we gonna do tonight? I wanna get drunk and corrupt Em" Amy said.

"Yeah I'm in"

"I'm in"

"We're in too, but how are we gonna get the alcohol, none of us have fake ID let alone Beca who looks 12 years old, no offence babe"

"Woah, no need to bring me into this, you could have asked how are we gonna get the alcohol" Beca eye rolled.

"Go have your domestic over there, and as for the alcohol, luckily my brother will go for us, he owes me a favour after I bailed him out last week"

"Want some money towards it Stace?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, you can pay considering you got me kicked out of class"

"Wasn't my fault, I got sent out too you know"

"What? Where were you?"

"Well, I went to the library, like you, but I should've known you'd be at the back of the courts"

"Alright, well let's just meet by the courts after last lesson and we'll go to mine?" Stacie asked.

Everyone just agreed and before Beca and Stacie could sneak another smoke in, the bell went.

"Ohh, hey Mitch, quick one and then we'll go in?"

"Sure, you guys staying or going?"

"I'll go babe, I'll just say you both needed to go to the bathroom"

"Alright, thanks Ames and Chloe"

"Don't be late" Chloe kissed Beca and then left the girls.

"God, I thought that Geography wasn't going to end" Beca moaned as she got out.

"It's not that bad, better than PE, shawstank"

"I'd rather than Geography. Least you can talk and have fun and you have the girls with you, I'm on my own and I can't even listen to music"

"Oh, come on, babe, least now we can get drunk and I have a few games for us all to play"

"Of course, you do Chlo, you always have drinking games"

"What's a little drinking without games. Stace, have you got a pack of cards? I found a new game and I thought we could try it"

"Yeah, I've got some lying around, come on then. What do you wanna do for dinner?"

"How about Taco Bell? If you're going to involve me in drinking at least let's get a Taco"

"Sounds good Mitchell, let's go"

"Oh, Conrad, we need a spare cup"

"Ok, I'll just make sure he gets us a pack"

"Tell him the red cups"

By the time Amy, Emily, Chloe, Beca and Stacie had left Taco Bell and Stacie's brother, Aiden, had gone and got the alcohol, it was dark, and the girls were on their way to the park by Stacie's house. Aiden had bought the girls a lot of alcohol, considering he did owe Stacie a massive favour, they had vodka, tequila, coke, and a case of bud, and also bought them a little surprise which Stacie did give him the extra cash for.

"So, tell us BM, what's this new drinking game you have found for us to play?"

"There's a lot of rules as each of the cards have different things to do, it took me ages to just remember the rules, I had to write them all on my phone. But be prepared for a long drinking game and getting drunk"

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