"Why? What happened? Are you okay?" she bombarded me.

"I just...tripped down the stairs and got a few minor injuries."

"Be more careful next time. We both know how clumsy you are."

She gave me an herbal remedy to cure my cuts and bruises. I wrote the instructions down, knowing I'd probably forget them at some point.

"Thanks, mom. I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Be home soon," My voice was barely above a whisper.

"I'll try, honey, I'll try." she sounded strained, as if it hurt her to be away from me.

I hung up before another session of tears hit, to which I would have told her everything, causing her to race back and leave too much unfinished work. I absolutely hate lying to my mom, not that I was good at it because if she were here, she would've caught my lies in a heartbeat.

Walking upstairs to my room and grabbing my blue towel, I stepped into the shower. My dirt-trodden arms, along with streaks of mud and sludge, coloured my skin in sickly shades. My once silky hair hung limp around my shoulders in thick, tangled locks. I swiped the scrubber angrily and dumped an excessive amount of body wash onto it before scrubbing my arms as hard fiercely. My body felt numb and it didn't register the stings it should've. All I could focus on was getting all this filth off me.

I slumped against the wall as a few disturbing images from a few hours ago flashed through my mind. Squeezing my eyes shut, I banged my head against the dark wall, trying to permanently erase those memories from my mind. Yet, knowing that I would never be able to, that I'd have to live the rest of my life knowing how close I had been to getting raped, used solely for my body. This horrifying thought made me sink to the bottom of the tub, as if it was a physical weight that was ostensibly crushing me.

For how long I cried for, I have no recollection of. I just know that when I forced my burning eyes to open, all the soap had been washed off, leaving my body clean and somehow lifting my sullen spirit.

Turning the shower off, I reached for my towel and wrapped it securely around me. I stepped out of the tub confidently and walked to the mirror. Wiping the fog off, I stared at my pallid expression. Two, dull green orbs stared back, encircled in a ring of red, with cheeks drained of colour, the light brown skin glowed slightly, and the dark hair was wet.

I had to get a grip. No more crying over what had happened. Everything happened for the best, no matter how frightening. This whole ordeal had made me stronger and given me a glimpse of the 'real world'. This 'incident' would no longer make me shed tears. I would continue life as if it never happened, like it was just a figment of the past too long ago to remember.


My grandma was Mexican; that was how my mom knew so many herbal remedies for different injuries. When I concocted my own herbal remedy, it was orangish-yellow in colour. I was to keep the paste on for thirty minutes once a day. I had lots of it on my face, including my shoulder, arms, and legs.

I sat down on the living room tiles, not wanting to get the carpet or sofa dirty, got my laptop out, and checked my emails. There was two from both of my best friends, Kelly and Jake. Apparently, they liked each other, but were too shy to admit it. They would both tell me of "moments" between them, and I'd be dying to tell Kelly that Jake likes her and vice versa, but I wouldn't because they should do it themselves and not have someone else tell them. I told them both in my reply to step up and just tell each other. Not ever, not ever in a million years.

After replying, I went to Google maps to find directions to get to Venice Beach. It might sound stupid but you couldn't expect you'll get there, just because it was in your line of vision. You might take a route that seemed promising at first but then it curved off to one side. Then you would have no clue where you were!

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