21 // vengeance

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  OLIVE AND THE OTHER PECULIARS RUSHED TO SEE ENOCH AND CLARA. Clara had Enoch in his arms, his chest were bloody and he was half-awake, almost unconscious. "He's still breathing, he's passed out," Clara said, wiping her tears, "We have to do something.. We have to save him," Clara said. 

Olive fell onto the floor, looking at the unconscious Enoch, the love of her life, now fighting for his life. Her heart broke seeing him like this. She looked at Clara; and she changed completely, she was no longer as pretty as she did before they separated ways. "How did this happen? Why do you look different?" 

Clara looked at her, "Barron used my appearance to trick you. Enoch found out and stabbed him." She started to cry again, "We have to do something!" She repeated herself. 

Olive remembered reading about medicine from Miss Peregrine's library. It was filled with books from different years, most are brought by Abe. She had an idea remembering that, "I have an idea, but I don't know it this will work." 

"Let's risk it!" Clara said, "I hope it works." She added. "I remember reading about burning metals sealing wounds before.." Olive started, "Bronwyn, please give me that tube over there!" 

"Clara, cut off his shirt," She told her, and Clara did as she said. Bronwyn handed over a metal tube to her. She glanced over Enoch, who was now topless, she couldn't help but blush. Shaking that thought off her head, she removed her glove and touched the metal. She waited until it was hot enough. 

When it was, Olive moved her hand away, "Enoch, this is going to hurt." Olive pressed the burning metal against his chest. Enoch screamed in pain. Olive looked away; she couldn't bear to see him in pain. After a few moments, she finally removed the metal, and the wound was sealed shut. It left a still-reddish scar over his chest. 

Claire handed a blanket to her and she put it over Enoch. Clara let Olive stay with him, and she was going to leave. Enoch was unconscious again but before that, Clara kissed him on the forehead and said, "I love you too, more than you ever know." With that, Clara left.

Olive wished she was Clara, but now she felt no anger or hatred toward her. She loves Enoch, and now she accepts that he loves someone else. It may be a hurtful truth, but now she knows that love is free; she may love him but he may also love someone else. 

✧ ✧ ✧

( trigger warning ; violence )

please skip this part if it triggers you. thank you and stay safe x

  CLARA WAS DETERMINED TO KILL BARRON. She has not done two things; manipulating real objects around her and manipulating people by their own actions. It was always been a challenge and she has never done it before. Now, she knows she can. She was filled with vengeance and anger, she felt as if she can do everything. 

When Clara reached the room, Emma was holding Miss Peregrine's crossbow, and there she saw two versions of Jake. Emma glanced at her, "I-- I don't know which one." She said truthfully.

The Jacob on the other side turned to his replica, "I can prove that I am the real Jacob." Clara couldn't let the hollow kill him, so she grabbed the crossbow from Emma and shot the hollow. "What the hell, Clara?!" Jake exclaimed, "You killed it!"

The other Jacob turned back to Barron, "Well, well.. Prescott's saves me. How's the love of your life? Dead, I hope." Clara glared at him, and turned to Jacob. "I'll kill him myself. Go, get them out of here." 

"Meet us in the ghost town." Jake said, holding Emma's hand and they left.

Clara raised her hands and clutched them. It broke the cage of the ymbrynes, setting them free. They flew away after. She smiled as she succeeded, looking at Barron, "You're not tricking anyone. I know it's in my head. You're manipulating me." 

"Try again." Clara felt a wave of power crash over her. Barron's eyes turned dull, and within the tip of her fingers, she could feel her control taking over Barron's. Clara couldn't believe it. This was what he wanted her to do all along, and now she was doing it, only to him. 

"Manipulate them if you have to!" So this was what he meant all along, She thought.

She made Barron kneel to her, "After everything you've done to me, you really think I would fucking save you?" Barron didn't answer, for he was under her command. "You wish." 

"I don't want your blood in my hands. It's too filthy." She made Barron shape-shift his own hand and turned it into a gigantic butcher knife. Barron's eyes widened as he swung it to his throat. Clara didn't flinch; she watched him bleed to the ground, but she wasn't contented. She could feel Barron fighting to control his own actions, but Clara knew she was stronger than him.

Barron dug the knife on his chest, the same way he did to Enoch. Clara wasn't satisfied enough until it reached through his body. Blood started to come out of his mouth, and he kept his eyes wide open. Not long, he stopped moving. Barron was dead.

Clara had her doubts, so she didn't let go of her control over him until she found a box full of matches. "This place will no longer be remembered, and I will make sure of that. You will not be remembered, and I hope to forget you." Clara said, looking down to him, his eyes lifeless. She lit one match and let it fall to him, then she finally let him go. 

Clara ran out of the building, finally, she was free. This was her one and only dream. After the longest years of agony, pain and trauma, she was free from his grasps. She felt tears of joy rushing to her cheeks as she ran, it was like escaping the continuous nightmares she had. The cold breeze of the wind made her shiver, but it reminded her of what she had lost from Barron; her freedom. She had avenge everyone who suffered from his grasps, and she could feel their happiness inside of her. Rest easy, Auggie. She had thought, rest easy everyone. 

author's note

this isn't as action-packed, since i don't write
those kind of things but i hope this is good enough.
this story only has two or less chapters to go </3

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