05 // powerful

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  CLARA WAS INSTRUCTED TO GO TO MISS PEREGRINE'S OFFICE ONCE SHE WAS AWAKE, RE-FRESHENED AND HAD BREAKFAST. There was a note behind her door, pinned by a red paper-pin, in which she assumed Emma or Olive had placed there. She wore dark, green overalls (from Fiona) and a plain, white blouse that she already had. She tied her hair up a messy ponytail, in which some of her baby hair showed.

She sat across Emma in the Kitchen Table, beside her was Olive. The two were eating porridge while Clara only drank few cups of tea.

"How are you enjoying the loop so far?" Emma asked, resting her chin on her palm.

Clara placed down the cup of tea she was currently drinking to a small place, "It's very nice. Peaceful."

"Glad you like it here." Olive gave her a smile. Clara glanced at the grandfather clock nearby, and said, "I have to go. Talk to you both later!"

✧ ✧ ✧

Clara was now sitting across Miss Peregrine's desk. She was given her tasks, (like washing the dishes, helping with the cooking, fetching the fruits and vegetables from Fiona's garden, and a few more) and she was asked of what she can do.

"Reality manipulation, Miss," Clara answered, "I can manipulate surroundings, appearance and sometimes, even emotions or pain. I'm still working on it though."

"You sound powerful, Miss Prescott. Do you mind demonstrating it to me?"

Clara thought about what she would like to show the ymbryne. Slowly, the sunlight from the room faded and the room was dim. Clara raised her hand, enough for Miss Peregrine to see, and a firefly had appeared, glowing brightly. They felt cold breeze of wind brushing onto their skin.

She saw how astounded Miss Peregrine was, then, Clara had turned everything back to its normal state. "Indeed, you are powerful."

"I am glad to have a powerful peculiar to fight along the righteous side," Clara wanted to tell her that she was not in their side at all, but she was afraid that death may approach her earlier than she'd hope. "I will be assisting you through your enhancement training.. You are one of this loop's hopes into salvation."

Clara forced a smile. She hoped it doesn't looked too forced, "I'm glad to be such a big help."

Miss Peregrine dismissed her after that. Clara went outside after, wanting some fresh air for her to breathe. Suddenly, it was a hard thing to do.

She was running— running away from the children's home and toward to a place she doesn't know. She hoped that it didn't have to be like this. Everything that was to happen, already broke her heart. Clara's conscience couldn't do any shit anymore, and she hasn't even done anything yet.

✧ ✧ ✧

CLARA STOOD NEAR A CLIFF'S PEAK. The freezing breeze of the wind harshly brushing onto her skin. She had found the cliff almost nearby the children's home. She has been for an hour or two. She stared at the light blue skies, admiring the sea below her. 

"You're always like this, Prescott." Clara turned to see Augustus Hale—  a friend from her first loop. He was a tall, lean blond boy who she liked, but they were never together. Never got the chance, too. She chuckled. "Like what, Hale?" 

( gabriel rush as augustus hale )

"Full of thoughts. For once, just fucking breathe. Stop worrying." He grinned, fixing his blond hair. He walked closer to her, "We're gonna be alright. Give yourself a break, damn."

Clara blinked. He was gone. She was alone again, but she always has been. It was just a memory. Clara wiped the tears that had fallen from her eyes. "I suppose you're right again, Aug." 

She went back to the children's home.

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