01 // loop

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  IT WAS A NORMAL DAY AT MISS PEREGRINE'S LOOP. Jacob Portman was new around the loop, but he stayed closer to its ymbryne. Now, he sat alone in the living room, with Horace Somnusson telling him stories about silly things that had happened inside the loop. Yesterday, he had arrived in Wales to look for the children, and luckily, he found them.

"Help! Horace, Jake, help!" Fiona Fraurenfield yelped, running into the living room and panting, "Where is Miss Peregrine? There's a girl outside the garden, all wounded up!" 

"What?!" Horace exclaimed, standing up, "I'll look for Miss Peregrine. Fiona, could you show Jake to the girl? Is she alive?" 

"She is.. She's all bloody, and I couldn't bare to look! Come on, Jake, I'll show you!"

 ✧ ✧ ✧

  FIONA WAS RIGHT, THE MYSTERIOUS GIRL WAS WOUNDED UP. Jacob panicked, but he knelt down to her, and placed her head on his lap. She was unconscious, yet her fair-toned skin glowed beautifully onto the sunlight. She wore a white puff-sleeved dress, and her pools of blood clearly seen in it. "Miss? Miss?"

"Oh no! Is she dead?!" Fiona wept, breathing heavily. Jake glanced to her, "She's not dead, Fiona. Calm down and call the others, please.."

Fiona nodded and ran away from them. Jacob looked to the brunette, feeling her shallow breathing. "Miss, miss." He shook her gently, trying to wake her. Despite the warm rays of the sun, he felt goosebumps and he felt his stomach churning. Maybe he was just hungry. 

The wounded girl's eyes fluttered open. She had dark, chocolate eyes looking through Jacob's sky-blue ones. "Who— Where—?" She coughed, covering her mouth. "Where am I? Who—? Please.. Don't hurt me—" 

"You're in a safe place." Jacob reassured her, "How did you get here? How did this happen to you?" He asked her, assisting her to sit down beside him. 

"I've escaped a loop.. They abuse me there," The girl looked down and cried, "Hurt me. Everything they want to do, they do to me. I've finally escaped. I— I don't know I have gotten here. I was running, and running.. Until I passed out on this grassy field." 

"Portman!" Emma Bloom came in running toward her, with Fiona and Olive Abroholos Elephanta beside her, "Stay away from that girl, she might be dangerous!" 

The girl moved away from him, raising her hands up in the air, "I mean no harm. Please."

"She told me everything, Emma. Calm down." Jake defended her, "Miss, erm, what's your name?" He asked her. Her puffy, reddish eyes fell onto his gaze again. 

"Clara. Clara Prescott."

✧ ✧ ✧

  CLARA WAS GIVEN NEW SETS OF CLOTHES TO WEAR. Her wounds were treated by someone named Emma Bloom who had interrogated her earlier. With the fullest of her luck, they had no suspicions of her.

She wore red, small-sleeved dress that reached a few inches below her knee. Clara sat onto the kitchen table, across her was Jake an both of them were looking at Olive. She was making them tea.

"How long have you been here, Jake?" Clara couldn't help but ask him. Jake glanced over her, "I can't help but be curious."

"Erm.. Only a day. You see, I'm from the present time. 2016." He told her. 2016? The first time I've entered a loop was 1916. Clara thought.

"When were you born?" Jake asked her. Clara flustered. She was an 117-year old stuck on a 17-year old body. Before she could answer, Olive set their teacups and poured the hot tea in it.

"Thanks.." Clara gently blew the hot cup of tea before sipping on it.

Olive glanced away from them, and spoke, "Enoch, would you like a cup of tea?"

Clara and Jacob looked at him. He was holding on jars of hearts placed on top of each other. His eyes filled with nothing but emptiness, rage and despair to leave.

"Wouldn't want to ruin the tea party." He scoffed, "I don't even know these peculiars." He walked away, his steps were as if he was not there at all.

"Who was that?" Clara blinked, "He seems.. In rage."

"That's Enoch," Olive told her, "He's one of Miss Peregrine's oldest peculiar children. He has been here for quite a long time... 100 years to be exact."

"You and him must be really close. You seem to know a lot about him." Clara pointed out. Olive paled, "Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing.. Nothing. I just, uh, have to go. Feel free to enjoy yourselves though. I still have other chores.." Olive left her and Jacob. Clara glanced at the tall, lanky boy across her.

"Has Enoch always been like that?" Clara asked. Jacob looked at her, "I suppose? He has been like that, and I don't think I've seen him with other emotion."

Clara let out a laugh, "I'm sure we'll break into him soon."

✧ ✧ ✧


aaand i'm back with three chapter updates hA i think this part is a bit boring but whatever. comment your thoughts and enjoy!

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