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you reluctantly let go of chuuya as he parked the bike. you got off, chuuya following suit as he adjusted his hat, which he used his ability to keep on his head the whole time. even though you were growing more and more tired, you noticed. there was no way that hat would've stayed on his head if he hadn't used his ability.

but that didn't mean much to you now, you just needed to get upstairs.

chuuya followed you upstairs as you trudged through the halls, barely registering his presence as your headache worsened. you just wanted to sleep.

you made it to your room, footsteps ceasing as you stopped at your door, opening it slowly. you turned to chuuya, who was still standing beside you, now awkwardly shifting his weight to his other foot.

"you followed me to my room." you stated, rubbing your eye tiredly with the back of your hand.

he nodded slowly, shoving his hands into bus pockets. "i wanted to make sure you didn't pass out before you got here." he gave you a small smile, both his words and smirk adding to the headache you were already bearing, but the fuzzy feeling in your chest returned, and with a vengeance as you stared at the smile that was causing it.

chuuya glanced down at your lips, and back up to your eyes, to which he noticed that your eyes were still fixated on his lips, and the small smile they had been curved up onto just a moment before.

you intrigued him, and he wasn't sure whether or not that was a good thing yet. you went from hating him one day, to being friends, to hating him again, and now you were staring at his lips, almost as if they had you mesmerized, and he couldn't help but look back down at yours too.

"thank you for coming to get me." you said quietly, and chuuya cleared his throat. that seemed to break you out of whatever trance you were just in, and your eyes snapped back to his, wide and full of new discomfort. was that caused by him? what was he doing? you were tired, and you clearly had a rough day with akutagawa, you needed to get some sleep.

"i-" chuuya started, but you cut him off.

"good night. thank you, again." you spoke hurriedly, before disappearing into your room, shutting the door on him before he could respond.

"good..night.." the executive muttered to himself, the blush on his cheeks remaining as he turned away from your door, and heading down the corridors and back to his office.

that was awkward. and you didn't know how to deal with the thoughts swarming your brain.

i almost kissed him

you sat on your bed, pulling off your clothes to get ready for bed, not bothering to brush your teeth or wash the makeup off of your face before you got into bed, shutting your eyes tightly and to force the thoughts out of your head so you could sleep.

i almost fucking kissed him

you weren't sure what to make of that. one moment you were tired, and then he was smiling at you, a small, lopsided smile, and then you were mesmerized by the way his lips curved and his teeth showed in the space between his parted lips.

it was all so confusing. at first, you had a hard time understanding the difference between him and every other man you really knew, but he was different. as much as you hated to admit it he wasn't like any of them. and if you were being honest, you knew it from me beginning. but your fear caused you to act in ways to protect yourself, just in case.

you're so used to having to have your guard up,
but you didn't with him, because he's different than them.

he was different than akutagawa, who from the moment you say him you sensed his bloodlust and thirst to prove himself. you felt it in your blood because he's the type of person that would watch the world burn if it meant he got what he desired most.

you tossed and turned, trying over and over to rid your mind of these absurd thoughts. you didn't need to be thinking of chuuya and his lips that you so wanted to kiss. you didn't need to think of how different he was from every man you knew, and you didn't need to think of how akutagawa was so similar to even man you knew.

you pressed your face further into your pillow and willed sleep to take you. finally, late in the night after the same thoughts had run through your head a thousand times, it did. you slowly felt your eyes drift closed as you fell into sleep.


A/N: sorry this one was short, i wrote it at five in the morning along with the two previous chapters after pulling an all-nighter to binge more anime 😍😍😍😍😍

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