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training with kouyou was always fun. you and golden demon would go back and forth in your training as kouyou praises and (rarely) corrects your forms and attacks.

your attack style was more light and ninja like, mixing two different types of techniques together to create your fighting style. these particular techniques were both meant for people using blades, but they were equally well without them.

you are able to carefully twist your body midair to dodge any attacks coming your way, and still land lightly on your feet.

"your graceful attacks and dodges are always a sight to behold." kouyou praises gently, bowing her head graciously as she speaks.

"you're far more graceful than i am." you smile, your appreciation for kouyou's praise is far greater than you could ever express towards the older woman. this woman was the epitome of class and beauty.

"it truly is remarkable that you can dodge most of my demons attacks, even without your ability." she was proud of you. honestly stating the surprise and remark-ability of your skill.

"you can do all that without any of your power?" a voice was heard from behind you, causing both you and kouyou to turn towards the entrance of the training room.

chuuya was leaning in the doorway, arms crossed across his chest, an eyebrow raised in surprise.

you can't help but feel a bit of resentment when you see him, the familiar twisting of discomfort in your gut at being face to face with a man, and especially who holds such an obvious dislike for you.

they were all men back in the other facility. and the way they spoke about women and treated them was awful. it was hard to look a man in the eye without the gut feeling that you needed to either flee or defend yourself. but you held that instinct off with everything inside of you.

"yes, can you not? i thought you were supposed to be the best hand to hand combatant the port mafia has?" you question, crossing your arms defiantly in return. kouyou says nothing, only glances between you and the short ginger haired man curiously.

"i am." he assures you pridefully, adjusting his posture as he assured his position to you. "but it seems you're excellent at dodging. but how's your punch?"

you quirked an eyebrow at the challenge, and beckoned him over to the mat with your head. "why don't you find out for yourself." you stated. it wasn't a question, but a response to his challenging gaze.

"you're not gonna win this one, l/n." he warns, dropping his long coat to the floor, and his hat on top, and getting into a fighting stance on the opposite side of the mat. you quickly followed suit.

"i wouldn't be so sure." you smirked, before the both of you were running at each other, chuuya aiming kicks and punches, which you easily dodged, only toying with the man.

he directed a punch to your gut, and at the moment his fist stopped moving, before he could draw it back, you grabbed his arm, pulling and flipping him onto his back on the mat, he didn't even know what hit him.

"that was fast." he grunted out, getting up immediately and spinning to kick at your head, which you blocked with your forearm, and kicked a leg up and over his shoulder. swiftly jumping onto his back, you squeezed the sides of his neck and head with your thighs as you elbowed him on the top of the head a few times, before flipping off of him and grabbing him by the back of his cropped jacket, flipping him again, though this time he landed on his stomach.

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