The girl tilted her head a bit, a pout was formed. Jennie can't help but to think she was adorable despite the situation she's in. But she kept the same expression.

"Of course you are! You brought me here and activated me."


The girl pointed on her lips, "You activated me." She repeated. Jennie was still too confused but she blushed hard nevertheless.

"What do you mean by acti- WAIT NO NO NO STOP!!" She was about to demand for more explanation but stopped, waving her arms in front of her when the girl was about to get up and walked to Jennie. She's pretty sure her face was red this time. The girl was naked after all.

This time it's the girl's turn to be confused, as she threw Jennie a questioning look.

"You're...Naked..." It was almost inaudible as Jennie tried to eye everything except her.

The girl looked down to herself, "So? I was naked all the time. Even back when I was a teddy bear."


"I said I was naked all the tim-"

"No! Not that, the thing you said in the last part.." Jennie thought she misheard it.

"Even when I was a teddy bear? " The girl blinked.

"Teddy bear...?" She stared at the girl for moment when realization striked her right in the head. "You were that teddy bear I picked on the street??!"

The bear flinched a little at Jennie's sudden reaction and nodded nonetheless. "If there's where you found me, then yes..."

"Why How- You- Human...Bear.." Jennie really can't make out anything from her mouth but the bear got what she was trying to say. She grinned.

"You activated me, Master!" Her eyes disappeared at the end of her sentence. "You kissed me." Jennie's warning long forgotten when the girl jumped out of bed, crawling her way to Jennie under the desk.

Jennie was too terrified and was blushing madly, "Yah! Yah! S-Stop don't come here!" The bear ignored her and kept crawling to her, the grin still plastered on her face.

"As your master, I order you to stop now!!" She shouted, too scared it just came out of her mouth unknowingly.

But it made the bear stop and sit on her knees, no longer grinning. Her eyes were now visible as they look at Jennie innocently. Her lips forming a thin line.

Jennie gained some confidence then the bear obeyed and continued, "O-Okay, now go w-wrap yourself with those blankets." She mentally cursed herself for stuttering.

But the girl nodded before heading towards the bed, covering herself as told. Jennie tried not to look at her, she's still blushing anyway.

"Now stay there!" She gave her last command before bitting her lower lips. Trying to figure out everything after what the bear had just told her. She then remembered that she did kiss the teddy bear before sleep. She facepalmed.

No, this is not happening. What did I do wrong?

Jennie let out a loud sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. Confirming that the bear wasn't a rapist or was paid to assassinate her because who the heck would do that? She's practically innocent and as far as she knows, no one hated her.

"What's your name?" She asked with closed eyes.

The bear's mong face turns into a wide grin upon hearing her 'Master's question.

But the grin doesn't last when she was turning side by side, trying to look at something behind her back. Jennie eyed her carefuly. The bear grunted. "What are you doing?"

Teddy BearWhere stories live. Discover now