Flashes of vibrant colors surrounded me as the wind whipped my hair around my face. It was as if I was no longer on earth. I was somewhere else. Somewhere calm and peaceful where the sun never seizes to shine. If I could stay there all my life, I would. Not a sound was made on my part in the brief moments that I was in the vortex. Peace invaded my mind and clouded my senses as I closed my eyes.

Yet, it ended all too soon because in no time, I was transported back to earth. Sitting on my knees, I gasped for breath. I felt drained.

Lifting my heavy head up, I surveyed my surroundings. It seemed that I was in a baby's room. Closing my eyes and I taking a large breath, I smelt something that I knew all too well. Rain on the pavement mixed with lilac. Otherwise known as my own scent.

This was my room before I was kidnapped... Well, to say I was a spoiled baby would be an understatement.

The walls of the large room were painted a lovely shade of light purple. In the corner of the room was a painting of a white tree. Flying from the white tree was a large flock of beautiful birds. The simple white crib held blankets with floral patterns on them. Next to the modern crib was a small, white, circular table holding sea-shells and a picture frame. Above a cozy white chair with brown outlining was a light purple chandelier.

Yep. Spoiled baby.

Looking out of the open window, I came face-to-face with towering trees. Smiling, I extended my arm to touch one of the vibrant green leaves. Fresh dew stuck to my finger, causing me to grin with serenity.

People must have been taking care of this room well; not a speck of dust was found during my brief inspection. After all, this was the princess' room...

My blissful moment was interrupted by a loud bang. Wincing, I turn around to see both Stephanie and Ricky gathering themselves from the floor.

"Um, Lanie," Ricky said, using a nick-name that was given to me by Blaze's pack. "You might want to refrain from stepping on the white carpet..."

Frowning, I looked down at myself. Sure enough, I was covered in dirt and blood. In fact, blood was still gushing from the open wounds in my back.

"Why aren't you all hurt and bloody?" I asked Ricky, taking in his appearance.

"It's one of my abilities as a high-ranker. Since I am apart of an Alpha family, I can run faster, heal faster, and I'm stronger. You should be able to do the same as me but ten times faster, but you've been locked away from your real family your whole life," he said, scowling at the end.

"Oh," I replied lamely, in too much pain to formulate an intelligent response.

Suddenly, a large bang came from somewhere downstairs, causing me to jump. Unable to catch my footing due to my exhausted state, I stumbled. A sharp pain became present in my back, making me scream out.

I dropped to my knees, unable to hold myself up while in such gruesome pain. I felt my warm blood gush out of my back and onto the cherry, hardwood floor of my childhood bedroom. Black dots invaded my vision and my mind became hazy.

"Shit," I rasped out before my eyes rolled into the back of my head and I welcomed the darkness that was pulling me in.


There was a continuous beeping ringing in my ears. It was annoying the hell out of me. Was this one of Louis' new torture methods? Waking me up with noises that make you want to tear your own eardrums out? I expected more from him...

Opening my eyes, I was almost blinded by a bright light shining right above me. Trying to move, immense pain came over me.

Groaning, I squeezed my eyes shut. It felt as if I'd been run over by a semi loaded with bricks and marble ten times. What in the hell happened?

"Careful," a warm voice soothed me "You're going to hurt yourself even more."

The voice sounded like a female. Breathing in, I smelt tree bark and fresh bread. Obviously they were a werewolf.

"What happened?" I groaned, throwing an arm over my still closed eyes.

"You don't remember?" the voice said, confused.

That's when it came back to me. I was home now. Well, what I used to call home...

"Ah..." the voice said. "So now you remember..."

That's when I pin-pointed the voice as Samantha.

Opening my extremely dry eyes, I looked around. I was obviously in the castle's clinic. Next to me was a jumble of machinery. I guess that was where the beeping noise was coming from.

The walls of the infirmary weren't the typical white, but a beige color. It's a good thing too because the light that was currently shining over the bed I laid on was bright enough.

We were the only people in here. The comfortable looking black waiting chairs that were lined along the walls were empty. That's good. I don't think I'd be able to face anyone of the kingdom yet, especially in my current, fragile state.

Though, I wonder where Ricky was...

Just then, Ricky busted in through the double doors. Huh, what a coincidence?

"Uh, Sammy," Ricky rushed, a panicked look on his face. "We got a problem..."

Just then I heard a loud, booming voice echo throughout the castle.

"Where is my daughter?"


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