Ch. 1 "Beginning"

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                                                         Kaley POV

I stumbled as I ran through the woods, It was dark and raining, She told me to stay put but they found me so I had to run I know she was gonna be a bit upset my sister had a tendency of getting upset when I didn't listen but I had on choice, I thought 

I jumped over fallen trees branches smacking me in the face or arms, my breath ragged from running I was scared, 

even though I did back out for a few minutes and have a large amount of blood all over my clothes, 

I finally came to a road once I crossed it a car squealed to a halt right in front of my face, oh did I mention I'm only four years old, 

"Oh my goodness sweetheart are you alright?" A woman with short blonde hair said as she approached me, 

I hesitantly backed up, I want my sister, I thought 

"It's alright sweetheart I'm a police officer I'm not gonna hurt you," She said as she smiled sweetly at me, 

She carefully picked me up, 

"Lets get you to a hospital okay," She said putting me in the back seat of the car,

I watched as the ran hit the car, my throat hurt so badly after what they almost did to me, I'm sure you're wondering who they are, 

Werewolves because of what I am they intended to kill me, I thought and almost succeeded if my sister didn't help me I would already be a goner, I thought 

The car suddenly stopped, The lady parked the car getting out then finally picking me up and walking into the hospital, 

I can see people looking in our direction gasping and looking horrified, 

"Oh My God Liz what happened?!" A woman said she looked like a doctor, 

"I found her like this, I almost hit her with my car," The woman named Liz said 

"We need to check if she has any injuries now," The woman said taking me from her I started to squirm, 

"Don't worry sweetheart she won't hurt you either okay," Liz said 

"I'm gonna call the Mayor she's gonna want to know about this," Liz said leaving 

The doctor sat me on a table in a room, she put on gloves and started examining me, lifting my shirt checking my arms, she looked confused 

"Can you tell me where you have the most pain?" She asked nicely 

I held my throat, 

She pulled out a flashlight, 

"Can you say aww," She said 

I opened my mouth but nothing came out, 

I started rubbing my eyes Suddenly I felt very sleepy, then everything went dark, 

                                            Damon POV

I was up early this morning enjoying a drink at the Grill, when I felt someone sit next to me, I see Liz 

"Ah Liz how you been?" I asked 

"We've might have a problem," She said 

I arched my brow, 

"Last night I almost hit a kid, she was covered in blood," She said 

"It wasn't me," I said taking another sip, 

"She was covered in blood, but had no injuries," She said 

"What?" I asked 

"The only injuries she had was damage to her vocal cords," She said 

"That's weird," I mumbled 

She nodded,

"I'll check it out," I said leaving 


                                             Kaley POV

I hear voices 

My heavy eyelids flutter open, I see a man with Dark hair and blue eyes,  the other was dark hair and green eyes, I know that smell Vampires, I thought 

"This is why you called me here Damon a child," I heard him say 

"Yeah, think about it Stefan she has no scent isn't that odd to you?" The dark haired man said 

I need to get out of here, I thought 

Stefan looked in my direction, 

"She's awake," He said 

Damon looked at me, 

"Great now we need to ask you some questions," He said 

Oh boy I thought 

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