Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*Frank’s P.O.V*

After going grocery shopping (taking the car key that was attached to the house keys and using the beat up trans-am in front of the house) I had arrived back to see no trace of Gerard. I had hoped that my awkward hug hadn’t scared him away, I was just so overwhelmed I couldn’t stop myself. Or he just looked absolutely gorgeous, mouth-wateringly so… if only I could see behind his glasses. Seeing an increase of used coffee mugs I decided to wash them so I could make myself and Gerard one. It was odd, although I had only just got the job I sort of felt at home, if only I knew it was permanent or where I was staying.

I decided to do myself a guided tour of the house, I moved through the living room and up a short flight of stairs to the first floor, surprisingly everything was bigger than I expected; five rooms in total by the looks of things. The first door I saw was already open which showed the bathroom, next to it was a guest room which I presumed was mine but the next door was closed and locked.

“Gee?” I asked aloud wondering if he had locked himself inside on purpose, but then slightly worried that I had breached his privacy in coming upstairs without his permission. A moment in the hall seemed to stretch before I heard shuffling from behind another door.

“Frank. You’re back.” He states as he opens the door to my left leaving the locked door left unopened. Odd.

Even seeing him again made my heart do a flip like the first time I saw him, although now he didn’t have a sweater on and I could see his pale thin arms. Totally pure unlike my own ink scattered ones, I wondered if he’d ever get a tattoo and what it would be.

 “Yeah I was looking around the house trying to find you, I was just wondering where to put my stuff and if you wanted a coffee?” I say suddenly nervous, I chew on my bottom lip as I watch him go stiff for a second but relax almost as if he’s battling something in his head.

“You can take the room on the right, it’s decorated from when Mikey used to live here, I hope it’s to your taste.” He scratches the back of his neck which draws my attention to his arms once again showing me slight muscles flex under the soft looking skin which are slightly patterned with faint small stretch marks that run all the way to the small patch of milky brown hair in the pit of his arm. “Go get your stuff while I get some fresh bedding.” He says moving back into his room but before I could leave he pops his head back around the door. “and yes I’d love a coffee” at that moment I swear I saw him wink behind his black framed glasses.

The room was awesome. Like every other room I had seen it was dark and gothic, there was black walls coated in band posters that I actually liked and red closet doors. I wondered what Gee’s bedroom was like…

“I hope it is okay. There is another room but I just use it as storage and I thought you’d want to be comfortable. The bathrooms across the hall and you know where I am; do you need help unpacking? I might not be very good but point me in the right direction.” He gives off a small chuckle and a flutter builds in my stomach with a warming heat that makes me just want to close my eyes and savour the feeling.

 Instead I look down awkwardly at the small backpack that contained my stuff and the guitar case hoisted on my shoulder. It was odd to think about how I had saved for years to buy this guitar, the one my father had a replica of when he was my age, the one I had worked most of my teenage life to buy. I had worked from the age of 11, from mowing lawns to staining fences, from pool cleaning to dog walking- and then I had jobs to fill in the gaps as I got older- all so I could afford my Pop’s medical bills and for that one thing I’d keep with me my whole life.

“No it’s fine, it’s just a few things.” I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck and place my guitar to lean against the deck and my backpack next to it.

I was never sure to unpack, once I found a place I was never sure I was going to stay- and somehow everything seemed to be going just too right.

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