Chapter 9

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Bailey parks the group's truck within a band of trees so it's out of sight from anyone who may be walking the perimeter of the building. She turns around and chuckles a bit.

"Everyone still awake in here?"

Scarlet and Madison volunteeted to sit in the bed of the truck as there wasn't much room in the cab for everyone to sit in there comfortably and were just playing a card game. They look up and wave at Bailey.

"So Scar and Madi are still awake. Sylv, Star, you two awake?"

Star sits up and stretches before shaking Sylvia, who does the same

"Yeah, we're awake.. Are we here?"

Bailey nods and Sylvia opens her laptop. She hacks into the camera system as Scar and Madi poke their heads through the sunroof.

"She isn't in her room or any of the others with cameras. My guess would be she's possibly in the basement"

Star nods at this.

"Well, if she's injured, she can somewhat fix herself up. They never clean the basement."

"Are we gonna be able to eat something?? I don't know about Madi, but I'm starving!!"

"There are plenty of so-called doctors and nurses. Don't worry!"

Bailey looks up at the two vampires.

"You two are faster than we are. Once we get to the facility, just go apeshit!"

The two nod and climb off of the truck so everyone else can get out. Sylvia stays behind and climbs into the front passenger seat.

"I'll stay behind. I have full access to the camera system from here. Take these ear pieces as well. That way I can get a hold of all of you"

Sylvia hands the four their ear pieces before putting in her own. Bailey, Star, Scarlet, and Madison all head towards the facility.


Star kneels in front of a door and starts picking the lock. Once it's open, Scarlet and Madison head inside first to take down the group of staff members that are nearby. Bailey and Star head inside and begin looking through each room.

"Where is the basement again?"

"Somewhere around here!"

The main doctor walks into the hallway the duo are in and stops dead in his tracks.

"Y-You... It's you two.."

Bailey looks at him and smirks.


He slams his fists against something on the wall and an alarm goes off. Bailey rushes towards him just before he has a chance to run and grabs his shirt collar. Star stands behind Bailey and hands her a bottle.

"This feels familiar, doesn't it? But ohh.. how the tables have turns.."

Bailey hits the bottle on the corner of the wall, causing it to break. She takes one last look at the doctor.

"Karma's a bitch, isn't it?"

She rams the jagged glass into his eye, the same way he had done to her all those years ago. His screams fill the air as Bailey drops him, the glass still in his eye. Star puts her hand on Bailey's shoulder.

"You ok now?"

".... yeah! I'm great!"

They keep walking down the hallway past Scarlet as she throws one of the nurses down a flight of stairs. Just before she closes the door, Scarlet notices a faint, purple glow and opens the door again.

"Bailey!! Star!! I think I found her!"

The duo look at each other and run back to the door as a faint, child-like voice calls out.

"I'm down here!!"

Star rushes down the stairs and around the body of the nurse to find Patient X sitting in the middle of the room, magic swirling around her. Various injuries adorn her small frame with some of the larger ones having been crudely sewn up. Star kneels down so she's closer to Patient X's height. Bailey comes down the stairs and kneels next to Star. The two gently smile at the scared child.

"Hello there, little one. I'm Star and this is my girlfriend, Bailey!"

"We're gonna save ya from this hellhole, Patient X!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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