Chapter 7

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Patient X stood there with magic swirling around her as she struggled to catch her breath. The bodies of the pack of wolves laid in shreds around her. Patient X didn't look any better. Her clothes were beyond repair and her body was sliced open, revealing muscle and bone. Her legs slowly gave out as her collapsed to her knees.

The doctors watching on the security cameras were stunned. She was so determined to stay alive. The head doctor swore under his breath.

"God damn it.. That little bitch has got to die one day. She has to be at her breaking point!!"

"Let's just throw the little shit in the basement already. Maybe throwing her down the stairs will kill her!" The nurse smirked at the idea.

"We never did get a chance to kill Bailey or Star..." The doctor whispered to himself.

"Who?" The nurse looked at him curiously.

"Oh, just two patients who had escaped a while ago. Who knows where the fuck they are. Probably dead. They don't have any family left. Nobody would miss them anyways, they aren't anything to worry about even if they are alive."

The nurse and the doctor went into the room and grabbed Patient X, who had fainted at this point. They dragged her to the basement door and threw her down the stairs. Her body landed on the concrete floor with a loud thud. A faint snap could be heard and the staff laughed.

"Something broke!!"

"She's gonna be down there any complete agony for how long? A week? 2? Maybe a month?"

"Hopefully it was her spine!!"

"I hope it was an arm or leg, I like torturing this shit bag! She damn near killed me!!"

The basement doors closed with a loud slam as Patient X slowly started to wake up. She used her magic to heal some of the smaller cuts. She tried to stand up when she realized her leg was twisted backwards.

"Great, just great... So that's what snapped..." Patient X growled under her breath.

She grabbed her leg and slowly started moving it back into place. She bit her lip to avoid screaming as she finally moved her leg back into place.

She looked around the room she was in and saw it was full of medical supplies. The staff never cleared out anything she used.

Patient X noticed a pair of crutches in the corner and hopped over to them. She got to to the right size to fit her height and began looking through the boxes.

"Just a needle and thread. That's all I need.. maybe a splint too.."

The two names the doctor had used plaued through Patient X's head.

"Bailey and Star.... Were they tortured like this as well??" Patient X sighed.

"Well... If I make it out of here alive, I'd like to meet them one day. Find out how they escaped... Find out what their experiences here were..."

Patient X (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now