Chapter 3

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Patient X snuggled close to the plush bunny she had been given as best she could. She was sore and weak from so many tests and the stiff bed wasn't helping at all.

A shrill, almost glass shattering noise filled her room as Dr. Devonshire burst through the door with the nurse right behind him with a wheelchair. The doctor grabbed Patient X by her hair and dragged her to the wheelchair where he pushed her down and strapped her into place.

Patient X frantically looked around despite still having the blindfold on. The nurse ripped off the blindfold, clawing Patient X in the process.

"A-Another day of t-tests, h-huh?" Patient X quietly whispered as she struggled to keep her eyes open due to the blinding white of the facility.

"Don't get smart with us now. We can and will shock you. In fact... to make sure you stay in line..." The doctor messed with a remote for a minute before handing it to the nurse. "Shock her for... let's say... 30 seconds."

"With pleasure~! For all I care, this little bitch deserves to die. She damn near killed our friend!"

"Yes, yes. I am very aware of this, Nikki. Just shock her already."

The nurse held down the button as they wheeled Patient X to a testing room. Her screams of pure terror and pain echoed through the halls. They reached the testing room and threw Patient X in.

Patient X sat up and looked around. Surprisingly, her eyes adjusted quickly. The room was a deep crimson. Patient X began to panick as she realized that it was blood that stained the room.

"Wh-what are you going to do to me?!" Patient X stood up and looked around for a camera. She saw one in the corner.

The room was silent for what seemed like forever.

"ANSWER ME GOD DAMN IT!!" Patient X's magic flared up and swirled around her.

Another shock ran through her body as she collapsed to the ground. Her throat was so sore from the constant screaming and yelling at the staff that now she could barely muster up a scream from being shocked.

"Never EVER yell at us again, you cocky bitch! We are the adults and you will have zero authority over us! Just for that, you'll be in the cellar for the week. No bed, no plush, nothing other than food and even that will be every couple of days! Of course, that IS if you survive this test!" The doctor's malevolent voice echoed through the room.

Patient X weakly stood up as a door behind her opened and a team of doctors walked in with a pack of starved wolves.

"Wh-what the hell kind of test is this?!"

"Oh this~ Just a simple test. Merely to test your strength. And just to make it fair..."

Patient X was shot at with a dart blower. The dart was fill with a dose of anesthesia just strong enough to make her drowsy. Tears began to fill her eyes as she began to think this is the end for her.

"Why am I the one who has to go through these stupid tests...."

Patient X (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now