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"Ok, that's it for this weeks session, Cadwyn" Madam Hooch said, "I'd like to set you a challenge for the week"

"Urgh what?" Cadwyn replied. 

"I'd like for you to apologize to all of the people you've hurt" Madam Hooch stated.

"But that's like 10 million people" Cadwyn moaned.

"Alright, just start with everyone you've hurt at Hogwarts" Hooch compromised. 

"Fine" Cadwyn said, standing up to leave.

Madam Hooch cleared her throat. 

"Oh right, sorry Madam Hooch for that time I wouldn't stop talking for 8 hours, and for all the times I walked out mid-session...oh and for my general attitude" Cadwyn said. 

"Well done, you may go" Madam Hooch instructed.

Cadwyn spent the whole week completing her task, going from person to person, making her way through a long list.

Lavender Brown

"Lavender, I'm sorry I used you as a friend only to mug you off as soon as Cormac and I got back together, and for shouting at you whenever you did something stupid, which is a lot. I'm sorry I called you a giant, ugly rag doll and that when you starting going out with Rod Weasel I refused to be within 2 metres of you because I was, and still am, afraid that I'd catch ginger"


"I'm sorry that I said that I could use your wrinkles to floss, and for saying that you're hair is so gray I thought I was colour blind, and for telling everyone that you had sex with a cornish pixie"

Draco Malfoy

"I'm sorry for saying that you look like a cotton ear bud, wax included. And that you're so pale that Nursley Hadless Ned looks tanned next to you and for fucking your dad while you were in the next room and moaned super loud just to make sure you could hear"

Harry Potter

"I'm sorry I said that your body looks like a beanie baby's body and that your ass is flatter than paper. I'm sorry I put nutella on your chair so that when you stood up, it looked like you shat yourself"

Ron Weasley

"I'm sorry that I will not come within 4 metres of you because you're ginger, and that I gag whenever you walk into a room. I'm sorry that I said that you're about as smart as a coaster, and that you have some many freckles I thought you had a fatal disease"

Hermione Granger

"I'm sorry that a put an egg in your hair because it looks like a literal birds nest. I'm sorry for saying that the giant squid in the black lake is more attractive than you. I'm sorry that I said that you. I'm sorry for saying that if you rode a horse I wouldn't be able to tell which one is the horse"


"I'm sorry for constantly making rude comments about your height even though it's obviously a condition you were born with. I'm sorry for saying that it's ironic that you have no charm, bearing in mind that it's the name of your class. I'm sorry that I set you up on a date with Winky and told you it was going to be a 'smoking hot witch'"

Katie Bell

"I'm sorry I threw a party when you were cursed and called it the 'thank god that hideous whore is gone' party. I'm sorry that I put small doses of poison in your shower gel so that you would have an extremely visible rash and then telling people you can only get a rash like that if you have herpes" 


"I'm sorry for always breaking the school rules and for spreading a rumour that your part-robot and that's the only reason you're still alive. Sorry for telling people that you have a drinking problem, oh, and for sending a bunch of dick pics to Rito Skeeto and saying they were from you"

Neville Longbottom

"I'm sorry for saying that your pet toad has more muscles than you, I'm sorry for saying that you look like a mandrake, I'm sorry I spread a rumour that you and Prof Spoot are in a serious relationship and than you plan on eloping at the end of the year"

Dean Thomas

"I'm sorry about that time I put 1000s of cups of water in your dorm to freak you out and for that other time when I flooded it and then laughed when you cried and freaked out even more because you were adding more water to it"

Seamus Finnigan

"I'm sorry I told everyone that you are legitimately a leprochaun and that if someone pees on you that you are legally required to give them your pot of gold, which led to everyone constantly peeing on you"

Ginny Weasley

"I'm sorry I cast stupify whenever you get closer than 4 metres to me because I don't want to catch your ginger disease. I'm sorry I burned all of your belongings and spread your diary for the school to see. I'm sorry that I called you the ugliest person in the entire world and writing a letter to the ministry saying that you should be put down, like a dog"

Annabeth Sparkes

"I'm sorry I murdered your cat, just for the bants and for burning your stuff and making sure everyone read your diary. I'm sorry I removed 3 of your teeth in your sleep"

"You...You removed 3 of my teeth?" Annabeth asked, touching her mouth in panic.

"Yeah, don't interrupt! I'm sorry I called your father's work and told them that he has a drug addiction so he would get fired. I'm sorry I called you a pathetic excuse for a human being and that you are an annoying slut who collects toenail clippings to make mosaics of all of your past lovers aka Dobby and Buckbeak"

Arya Webb

"I'm sorry that I told everyone that you were born and raised in an insane asylum. I'm sorry that I said that you're a nerdy little stalker freak. I'm sorry I told Snape that you cheated in your exam so that you're grade was lowered. I'm sorry that I told people that you're half house elf. I'm sorry for pouring pumpkin juice in your hair last Thursday just because I thought it would be funny"

Rhia Notta

"I'm sorry that I locked you in a cupboard with a blast-ended skrewt in hopes that you'd get eaten. I'm sorry that I still want you to die. I'm sorry that that I started a rumor that you have vaginal teeth. I'm sorry I put cocaine in your mouthwash. I'm sorry I punched you in the face whilst under Harry's invisibility cloak - which I stole. I'm sorry I cursed your tie so that whenever you put it on it strangled you" 

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