New Daddies

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Arya was was well and truly over Harry after the way he treated her at the dance. However, she did want to get back at him for what he did, so she sat the library, trying to figure out what she could do. She had gotten really excited about some magic she had found in Revenge Witchcraft by Swandlin Reed, when she was interrupted. 

"Excuse me, little miss Ravenclaw" a boy said, she lifted her head and saw it was Dean Thomas, from the year above. 

"Yes?" She said timidly.

"Do you happen to have a spare quill I could borrow? I left mine in my dorm." He asked politely, he was sitting at the table across from her. 

Arya didn't say anything, he was so handsome, it made her very nervous. She simply reached into her bag and pulled out a spare quill, hear hand shaking as she handed it to him. 

"Thanks, do you mind if I use some of your ink as well?" He smiled.

"G-go ahead" she stuttered. 

"Thanks, umm, what was your name?"

"Arya" She muttered.


"Arya" She mumbled.


"Arya!" She said, shocking herself with how loud she had said it.

"Arya. Pretty name" He said, dipping the quill in the ink. 

Arya starred at him, imagining what their babies would look like. 


"Any bets?" Fred asked as he made his way around the stands for the second task. 

"What about you? Annabeth right?" He asked as he approached her. She stood with Juniper and Celeste as Ginny was currently with Neville, further upfront. 

"Yeah and sure, I'll bet 2 galleons on Harry, since he is a fellow Gryffindor" Annabeth said, happy that Fred had remembered her name and was talking to her. 

"Great, gotta support one of your own" Fred smiled as he wrote her bet down.

She reached into her pocket and gathered the coins, feeling tingles through her palm as hers and Fred's hands touched when she handed them to him. 

"Cheers, hey, didn't you come round our house in the summer, you made those cookies right?" He asked. 

"Yeah, that was me" 

"They were so delicious, Ginny will have to invite you again so I can have some more" He said, nudging her playfully. 

Annabeth beamed, Fred wanted her to come round to his family home again. He liked her cookies. She was internally screaming.

"Well, I'm glad you liked them" she replied. 

"They were amazing, anyway back to betting, see you around" he said as he left, leaving Annabeth in awe. 


Cadwyn walked into her dorm with the letter that she had come for her that morning. The letter had actually been handed to her by Percy after the Yule Ball but she didn't want to touch it while it had his poor person germs on in so she had sent the letter to be disinfected and it had only arrived back that day. 

Cadwyn opened it and shook the letter out of the envelope. She didn't know who had touched it so she picked up her anti-bacterial spray and sprayed before picking it up and reading it. 

"OMG!" she said as she read it. 

Cadwyn barged into her Transfiguration lesson 20 minutes late. 

"Miss Jones, why are you late?" McGonnagol asked. 

Cadwyn walked up to the front of the class and climbed on top of McGonnagol's desk like it was a stage. 

"Well, McDonaldscall, it's funny you should ask" Cadwyn said, striking a pose.

"Miss Jones, please will you get off of my-" 

"I actually found out some rather exciting news" She interrupted. "My father is actually Barty Crouch, oooh high up in the ministry extremely famous wizard" she bragged. 

"Just get off my desk, Cadwyn" McGonnagol yelled "50 points from Gryffindor"

All of Cadwyn's Gryffindor classmates grumbled as Cadwyn stepped off of the desk.

"You're all just jealous that MY daddy is rich and famouse" She said, storming back out of the classroom.


"God, that's another pureblood family tainted" Rhia muttered to Draco as Cadwyn stormed out the the classroom after her annoucement.

"I know, imagine banging a muggle and having that for a daughter, disgusting" he replied, pulling a puke face.

"Well at least she was stupid enough to get 50 points deducted from Gryffindor, stupid bitch" 

"That does work in our favour" Draco said, placing his hand on her knee.

Rhia flung his hand away.

"No in class Draco, you dirty boy" 

"I'm sorry" he said, pouting yet again.

"Wanna have some fun after class?" Rhia winked.

"Sure" Draco smirked, thinking he was in for a treat. 

"Good, I wanted your help stealing this mudblood Ravenclaw girls homework and burning it in front of her just before her lesson" 

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