chapter six

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Hizashi had to think about it but he want so hard that broke his husband for two weeks. Then he stop and holds Aizawa close and falls asleep not knowing that his husband wont be able to go to work in the morning. The morning Aizawa wakes up and founds out that he was going to have a baby and was scared to tell mic that they are going to have a baby.

Then mic wakes up and hugs Aizawa from behind. "Sho darling are you ok because you acting like there is something wrong you know you can tell me anything right." Hizashi said with scared look on his face. Aizawa looked at his husband and told him that they are going to have a baby. Hizashi pick up aizawa and hugs him and kisses him because he always want to have a baby with the person he loves with all of his heart and soul.

The next day they go to the doctors to see if they are truly have a baby and they get bad news instead of good new. the news was that aizawa body might not make it if he has the baby but a low change of making it through this. Hizashi screamed that the doctor saying that its not true and he picked up his husband and left the hospital. when they got home aizawa fall on to the floor having a hard time breathing.

Hizashi saw his husband on the floor so his pick him up and take him back to the hospital to see if his is ok. 2 hours passed to see if the baby and aizawa are going to make it and when the doctor come out to see hizashi and say that both are alive and heathy. Aizawa wakes up and looks at his baby boy and he name his son gelex aizawa.

The couple were on their way back from the hospital with their newly born son. Hizashi was driving as shouta was asleep in the backseat with their son. Gelex had his fingers curled around his dad's finger as he slept aside his dad. Then there was crash, a scream, and darkness. Hizashi had woken up on the concrete, it was dark and there were sirens to be heard all around. Blue and red lights flashed as there was ringing in his head. He looked around only to see a blanked being draped over his husbands body. Dead. There was a woman crying holding a small baby, his baby, who was lifeless on her arms. He froze in shock. They were both dead. He had no point to live. With that he stayed laying down, and never got up. Hero present mic was dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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