chapter four

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when school was finally over the kids and teachers went home for the day. Aizawa was driven home with Hizashi right next to him the car. "Sho darling do you really mean what you said about letting me fuck you again?" Hizashi asking to making sure he was not trying to lead him on.

Aizawa nodded yes it was true of what he said to Hizashi at the school. When they got home Hizashi picks up Aizawa and walks in to the house and goes to the bedroom and puts Aizawa on the bed and goes get something for their fun they are going to have.

Hizashi goes to the dresser to get out of it was rope and a toy to use on Aizawa because he know that his soon to be husband like it. "Sho darling do you want to use the toys to night." Hizashi whispers in Aizawa ear. Aizawa nodded yes to have fun with the toy that mic bought at the sex store for them to use all night long.

Mic ties up Sho to the bed and take off his clothes and throw Sho clothes on the other side of the bedroom. "Mic please don't hurt to much I want to walk but it is up to you if I can walk or not." Aizawa say with lust in his voice.

Hizashi smile and bites Aizawa neck which makes his moan really loud were mic has to put a ball gag in his mouth is makes sure the kids didn't hear any of it. "Shh Sho daring you don't want the kids to know what we are doing." Hizashi whispered in Aizawa ear to make him moans louder.

"Sho darling you are so cute when you trying to get untied and your moans are music to my hear baby." Hizashi said to his tied up baby and started to put his tip inside of Aizawa and makes his moans louder.

Aizawa holds on to the bed will Hizashi inside him going faster and harder. "Zashi baby make me scream please and cum inside me please." Aizawa says in a moan.

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