Normani kordei

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"Mani let's go x factor won't wait for you" her mother said and she wokes up and goes to the bathroom for a shower and they all got in the car to go eat out because they had time in there hand

"So mani are you excited for your audition on X factor" her mother said and she nodded

"Yes mother i am excited i will met new people Iam excited new friends maybe i would be in a group with other girls too" mani said

They ate and talked alot about her audition and what she's going to do and what song she's singing they payed for the meal and got to the audition it's  manis turn she slayed her audition and guess what she got 4 yes's and she's  happy Normani  was walking with her mother and got pushed down and saw a tall red hair girl with yellow and green clothes she stands up

"Omg iam sorry i didn't mean to do that" the girl said

"It's ok iam normani btw" she said and thr talk girl smiled

"Pretty name for a pretty girl like yourself iam dinah jane"she said

"Nice to meet you dinah" she said shyly

"We have to go bootcamp won't wait for us and they waiting for the queen to arrive and not me queen b" dinah said

"Oh my god you like queen b me too she's like my mother" mani said

"Oh my god your going to be my new best friend chancho loves lana more then my mom" dinah said

Who's chancho and why does it sound like her girlfriend maybe iam overreacting maybe just a friend i hope it just a friend cuz i am starting to like her

"Umm one question" she said

"Ya sure go ahead" the tall girl said

"Are you gay" she said

"Yes iam and no chancho and I aren't dating if you wanted to ask she's just my best friend" the tall girl said

"Oh ok cool me too" she said shyly

They   Talked  for hours  and they laughed and went  to  bootcamp they saw a short girl come to us with a green eyed girl

"Hey cheeche what's up this Lauren Lauren this is dinah my friend" she said oh that's chancho

"Hey nice to meet my best friend soon to be girlfriend"Dinah said and winked at camila who blushed hard  and Lauren blushed too

"Cheeche too soon"camila said and dinah just laughed 

"Oh right Lauren camila this is Normani" dinah said

"Hey nice to meet you mani" Lauren said

"Hey nice to meet you to mani" camila said

"Nice to meet you too guys i hope we all make it" mani said shyly

"Aww don't be shy around us"Lauren said

"Ya don't be we respect everyone here right china" Camila said

"Yes caprison we do respect everyone here just don't get on our bad side and your good" Dinah said

"One time in high school someone hit me in the stomach and china came and beaten him up" Camila said proud at her friend

"Yup i did and crispy chicken knows what i call it right camera" dinah said

"Ok what with the names that's alot of nicknames for one person don't you think dinah" Lauren said

"It's ok i call her cheeche china finah dinosaur"camila said

"And i call her chancho caprison crispy chicken walz camera cabinet canola oil camel toe" dinah wanted to continue

"Ok ok we get it you gave me alot of names ok i get it" camila said and they all laughed ok let go

"Ok let's go find new people"


Sorry guys this chapter isnt long as you expected i will make it up to you in camren date night taht coming very song no there isnt i love you at the first date no there is no sex on the first date taht for the second

Words :659

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