Camila cabello

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I was sleeping and all of sudden someone got inside my room and scared the hell out of me

"Kaki wake up wake up we have to go to your audience you can't be late karla"sofia said smiling it's her sister dream

"Ok ok iam up can you get off of me so i can go get ready" camila said and walked to take some boxers and some jeans and a blue button up shirt she went to the bathroom took a shower went down stairs

"Hey mama hey papi how are you today" camila said with a smile on her face

"Hey mija your going to be late for the auditions let's go we don't have time" sinu said and they left to go to the car camila stayed a bit to take a banana to eat

"Kaki why are you still here you have to go there you will be a star like your idol" sofia said to her and nodded

"What if they don't like my voice what if iam just not that pretty" camila said

"Your pretty big sis you're the most prettiest girl ever seen and you sing amazing let's go and it's going to be fine" sofia said and they went to the car

They were last to the audition and they hopping they would run into one of the judges and as there luck begins they ran into Simon cowell and they thanked god for this

"Simon my daughter is late to her audition is it too late to give her the stage when person inside finishes please" sinu said to him

"Ok you can go she will be next come with me little girl let's go wait for your part next ok" Simon said to the girl and they went backstage to wait for her turn she's nervous her family always says that her voice sounds amazing so on her birthday she wanted to go audition for x-factor and there she is waiting for her turn and then she hears an angelic voice from the stage and she hears it from the booth and the person who finished there performance came backstage camila thinks to her self "she has a pretty voice" when she saw her

"Dam she's pretty too" camila said to herself and Lauren walks by her

"Hey i like your shirt" camila said and Lauren blushed

"Thanks i like yours too" Lauren said

"Camilla your up next" the person said and camila makes her way to the stage she sang her heart out and got 4 yes's she made it she's soo proud of herself and she's off to bootcamp camila wanted to get to know the green eyed girl she hoped she would find her in bootcamp the ride was short and she sat in front of a tree

"Ay your the Cuban girl what's up girl" Camila looked and saw her the green eyed girl

"Ay your the other Cuban iam good" Camila said

"My name is karla Cabello but I prefer if you call me Camila" Camila said

"I-am Lauren Jauregui nice to meet you" Lauren said

"Come sit next to me we will talk i see us as good friends"Camila said and Lauren smiled and sat next to her

"Soo 21 question if you want we can if you don't you don't have to" Lauren said

"Ok you go first" Camila said

"Soo how many siblings you have" Lauren said

"I have one her name is Sofia" Camila said

"Oh cool i have 2 taylor and Chris how old are you" Lauren said

"Iam 15 years old and you" camila said

"Iam 16 years old favorite thing to do" Lauren said

"Do karaoke and watch one direction videos i wish i had something interesting to say" camila said

"You like 1D me too my favorite is zayn and yours" Lauren said

"Mine is harry his my favorite in the group" Camila said

"What's your sexuality" Lauren said

"Iam gay and you"Camila said

"I-am bi but i lean more on the girls side then guys but i don't mind" Lauren said

"Soo any secret you want to share with me" Camila said

"Umm you have to tell me first then me" Lauren said camila nodded

"Fine but you going to tell me right and promise me you won't be disgusted about it ok" Camila said and Lauren said promise

"Umm how can i say this i have male part" Camila said and she was ashamed of it she wasn't normal gal

"Oh so you have a dick i don't mind i care about your personality and no iam not disgusted thanks to tumbler i know what that is" Lauren said laughing and camila laughed with her

"Your amazing in my school i was called a freak a man not a woman a transgender and i was shoved in lockers beaten up" Camila said with tears in her eyes

"It's ok your far away from them and your in X factor and they're at home watching you slay your performance wishing they were friends with you show them who's boss" Lauren said and camila smiled

"Thanks laur i really appreciate it your the best friend i ever had" camila hugged her and Lauren in her mind is saying soon-to-be-girlfriend

They talked for hours and hours and they got called back they walking together back to the other people Lauren wished that she got camila number she's sad because she will never see her again little did she know they would be in a group together


Sorry guys i will try and make the chapter longer and more good just bare with me ok i love all of you and guys and if you want where billie (camrenbishh) going to be in the fic soon i want to show you each person and what people they met and how they got to know each other and agin thanks for waiting you guys i will try not to disappoint you 🥰🥰😊😊😊

Words: 1013

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