She bangs

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Oh now she had done it, Cole smirked as he stood up pulling Sal with him as they started the music.

Ricky Martin... Cole had danced a lot to this mans music, he had never gotten a partner he really enjoyed it with however. But now.. the dry season seemed to be over.

Sal wasn't afraid to tease him, challenge him if she had to. God was she close to him !

The pace was fast, so was their movements, one second they were flush against one another the other an arms length apart. Back to back, a spin then front to front, then back to front. Her hands went everywhere ! She wasn't even shy about it !

He clenched his jaw when she pushed up against him, the room got warmer and his smile got bigger so did the challenging gleam in her eyes.

She knew what she was doing to him, she wanted to do this to him ! Cole was fighting to keep that damn latino-dancer-charm down, the others would get a heart attack if they saw him like that. Not to think about what Lloyd would say and see. Cole was their rock, he was the strong silent leader that couldn't be shaken and yet here he was... knees about to give out on him all because a girl was acting tough on him. But then on the other side, Lloyd was of age now he needed advice on dating and what better than to show him how to do it.

Doing a spin Cole sucked in a sharp breath of air when he dipped Sal down, she had that thigh of hers fairly well pressed up on the right spot... Looking down at those dangerous blue eyes he could have growled at her, but not from anger.

" I thought you said you were the best dancer in your class..."

Oh god fuck ! Why did she have to speak in that voice! Cole felt himself weaken and in that very short second of weakness she took the lead, forcing him back and forcing him to follow her steps.

" You're holding back why ?... I was ready for some pushy bull to lead our dance "

Cole didn't speak, he wanted to, but imagining how far she dared to take this brought him wonderful pictures in his mind. Even more so when her hands slid down his chest as she spun them both.

" Don't tell me you're trying to keep the green one innocent... he's gonna find out at some point"

Cole huffed and rolled his eyes as he stepped up to her, he had hoped she would take a step back, but now that she didn't they were mere inches apart from being flush against each other again.

" He might as well get the tips from a master "

Cole snapped in a breath of air, that broke him as he pushed forward capturing her lips with his own. The words wasn't what made him snap, the words was barely heard, the slender hand that had sneaked below the rim of his pants was felt however. A lot.

Inside Cole was a little sorry for what he was about to do, the others had never seen him like this. He would properly have to explain how and when he had learned to dance like this.

Taking a step back, the earth master had a new glow in his eyes, eyes that wouldn't leave the woman tempting him. It only took him second to tug off the black tux he had been wearing, to night was the right night to wear a thin white shirt, one that when buttoned up showed a good portion of his tone chest.

Sal smirked swaying on her own as she slowly slipped of the silk scarf that had been covering her arms and shoulder. Cole snatched the soft fabric and threw it to the chair that had his tux, then he grabbed one of her hands and pulled her completely against him. Letting Out a slightly painted grunt as she pressed against him again.

" You're explaining if they ask anything "

He whispered tightening his grip on her, she only hummed.

" Sure. Tango ? "

" Since you started this I was thinking... Milonga Tango "

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