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The black ninja, elemental master of earth, Cole Brookstone, being drunk ?

Noooo... absolutely not... a little tipsy maybe but definitely not drunk !

Truth being told he was wasted, it was just a small night out, the whole team was out tonight. Tho not everyone was old enough to go with him, when the earth master with his dead drunk mind decided to go to a bar.

Kai could make the cut and so could Skylor, but the redhead said she didn't wanna go.


Zane could go with him, however the ice ninja wasn't too pleased with the idea, that only left one person...

and while he knew he could talk her into it, he also knew it would take one helluva speech. So with a low chuckle and with the most seductive smile he could muster, the earth master pulled off the tie he had been wearing and turned to the girl he had known since childhood.

Sal Legan... long dark brown hair, darker than Kai's, green-blue eyes that right now were glowing in the streetlights. Tonight some of it was put up in a braid while the rest was hanging down like normal. She had let them all convince her to wear a dress, under the conditions that she could also wear leggings and normal shoes.

It wasn't a secret that Cole loved her dress a tad more than the others, it was pitch black, orange gems in an even pattern at the bottom, not to mention he was the one to pick it out...

His drowsy brown eyes came to rest one Sal's as he pulled of that stupid smirk, his tie in both hands.

As he came closer she crossed her arms raising an eyebrow at him before asking with a small sigh.

" What ? "

He gazed away shortly as his arms went around her, the tie coming to a rest against her lower back, allowing him to pull her against him.

" Babe, you would go with me right ? "

There was a moment in silence, Sal glared at Nya as she snickered and weakly elbowed Skylor, the two girls both having a hard time keeping their laughter undetected.

Instead of giving the two any words to think about, Sal returned her gaze to the boozy male in front of her.

" Oh so I'm your babe now ? "

A deep humming sound escaped his throat as he pulled her closer with the tie slightly leaning down to whisper in her ear.

" C'mon Nala~ you know what your are to me~ "

While Cole might have thought he whispered, Sal and all the others heard his words all too clearly, Nya and Skylor both breaking out in a small laugh,

" Uh Ouch.. but oh M.I.A.O.W Sal "

Skylor spoke when she was finished giggling, Kai standing beside her snickering with his sister. Sal was about to say something to all three of them when Lloyd stepped in between them.

" Sal why don't you go with Cole and the rest of us go home, you just call if you need help "

She couldn't even get a word out in protest before Cole pulled Lloyd in for a one arm hug and a kiss on his hair. Cole was one big smile as he talked,

" Thank you my good man, gosh I love this kid ! "

Lloyd did everything in his power to get out of the sudden show of affection, but Cole being the one with super strength made it a fight in vain, instead the younger blond turned his now begging eyes towards Sal, whispering.

" Please let him stay at your place, I can't stand him when he gets like this ! "

If she hadn't felt how close Cole liked to get when he got drunk she would have brushed it off and told him no. But she of all knew how Cole got when he ended up drunk, so in some small way she felt a little sympathy for the young man.

A sigh left her as she nodded in defeat,

" Sure he can stay at my place tonight. You guys get home safe okay "


" Ehh... Sal.. where's my suit ?! "

As the late morning hours rolled by, that was the first sign of life Sal got from the earth master. A smile was all she gave him as he stepped into the kitchen, very much different dressed than he had been when they went out.

Cole stopped at the door frame his arms out and a expression screaming

'What The Hell Happened !'

Going out he had been in a suit but now...

Tight black cowboy jeans, a brown belt with a large golden buckle, only a sleeveless light brown lumberjack vest covering his torso, black leather gloves and a white cowboy hat with a black band and of course a pair of black boots.

His expression said it all...

" Sal... please, tell me why I'm dressed like the next Magic Mike ?! "

Oh the panic in his eyes was priceless !

Hiding a smug smile behind a glass of water, she let out a hum as she leaned back,

" Well a lot happened last night... but your new outfit, I'm not to sure about "

The brown eyes grew desperate,

" Saaaalll ! Please ! "

" Okay okay. We went bar hopping and at this 'wild west' inspired bar you met a guy named Jesse, he was a real cowboy. You were glued to him, talking non stop for half an hour, suddenly you turn to me and say you gotta go with Jesse for a while. I shrugged it off and you two were gone. "

Cole let out a heavy breath as he rested his head in his hand and leaned against the kitchen counter, he feared what was gonna come. Sal however was smirking, her arms crossed and a all too self-satisfied expression on her face.

" A little over an hour later the two of you came back, and you were dressed like that. I got no explanation whatsoever. Before I could even greet you, both of you dragged me along to this more special bar "

The onyx haired males cheek flared up as he bowed his head in shame not daring to look her in the eyes,

" Please tell me it wasn't... "

" A strip bar, but it was and you and Jesse had a plast "

Looking up he swallowed his pride and embarrassment, yet his cheeks was still bright red, locking fearful brown eyes with Sal amused blue-green once, he asked.

" What did I do ? "

" Oh not much, got a large glass of beer, surprised everyone by singing a song or two, saw Jesse get a lap dance, insisted on giving me a lap dance."

Cole's eyes went wide and his entire face flushed into a red color, suddenly he felt extremely uncomfortable in his own body. He tried in vain to clear his throat as his voice got lighter,

" I... I'm sorry what ? "

Sal only smiled as she stepped in front of him, snatching the hat of his head and placing it on her own.

" Oh but don't worry, Rocky Dangerbuff, those jeans really does something great for your ass"

" SAL ! " 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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