"Darn. I was thinking I could do with a few gay friends," I joked. Even if they weren't gay, they could make a cute couple.

They laughed at my lame joke.

"Please, sit with us," Harry said.

"Fine, let me just tell my boss. I'll be back." I went to find Alaura, my boss.

"Yey!" I heard Louis yell. Oh, god, that boy...


"Hey, Lou?" He looked up at me.


"I don't think she knows who we are." He gave me a sarcastic 'really?' look.

"You just figured that out? Oh Harry..."

"No, I was just saying. I really don't think she knows us. Should we tell her?" He shook his head.

"Not yet. If we keep hanging out with her, sure, but not right now."

"I guess..." I trailed off as Jillian came back and sat with us.

"So..." she said awkwardly, rubbing her hands together.

"So..." Louis copied. "My name is Louis Tomlinson. I'm 20 years old. I like carrots, screaming, singing, and my Hazza," he said, giving me a wink at the end. Jillian giggled.

"And I'm Harry Styles, 18 years old. I like Haribo, cats, singing, and my Boobear." I winked at Louis.

"Wow, you both like singing? Cool," Jillian said. "Well, I'm Jillian Putnam and I'm 18 years old. I like cats," she smiled at me, "carrots," she turned her smile on Lou, "leprechauns, and food."

"Yey!" Louis exclaimed. "You can be my friend!" She gave me a confused look.

"It's because you like carrots." She nodded, amused.


"Where did Harry and Lou go?" I asked Liam, who was watching something on tv. He shrugged.

"Out. I don't know," he replied.

"Oh. When is that interview thing?"

"In two hours. They should be back by then. If not, Paul will kill them. Simon, too," he said.

I collapsed in the seat next to Liam on the couch. Zayn was in the chair in the corner, smiling while doing something on his phone.

"I'm hungry," I said. Liam looked at me for a second, before turning back to the tv.

"When aren't you hungry?" he asked. I thought about that.

"When I just finished eating. For like a few minutes," I said, truthfully. Liam laughed at my answer. While he had his eyes closed, I snatched the remote from his hand and flipped through the tv channels, finding nothing.

"Ugh. There's nothing on." I sighed.

"Wait! Go back!" Liam yelled as I passed Toy Story on nickelodeon. I turned it on for him, gave the remote back, and got up, heading to the kitchen.

I looked through the fridge and the cupboards for something to eat. There was nothing I was in the mood for.

"Hey, Liam? Zayn?" I called.

"Yeah?" they yelled back.

"Want to go to NANDOS?"

"No," Liam said, while Zayn shouted, "Sure."

"Are you sure Liam?" I asked, walking back to where he was.

"Yeah, I'll miss Toy Story if I go."

"We have it on DVD. You can watch it any time," Zayn said, as he got up, fixing his hair and stuffing his phone in his pocket.

"Fine," Liam relented, turning the tv off and following us.

We headed out.


This is probably the most I have laughed in my whole life. Louis was just so funny. Harry, too. They were awesome. We sat there for like an hour after my shift ended just goofing around and telling jokes. It was fun.

But I had to go. I had to do something with Elizabeth today.

"Boys, I'm glad I met you. You guys are just awesome. But I have to go," I said. Louis pouted while Harry gave me puppy eyes. I giggled at their faces and stood up.

"Sorry. My friend, Elizabeth, and I have plans."

"Alright, but at least give us your number," Louis said. I laughed again before pulling out my phone, handing it to Louis.

"Put your number in," I turned to Harry, "You, too."

They added themselves into my phone and I sent them a message so they could have my number.

"We're good. Now, I have to go. Bye boys."

"No!" Louis screeched. "Don't say goodbye! Goodbye means leaving and leaving means forgetting."

"Oh! Sorry Lou. How about: see you later?" I asked as I walked away backwards.

"Yes! See you soon!"

"See ya, Harry! See ya, Lou!" I called as I walked out the door. I bumped into someone on the way out.

"Sorry," I said.

"No, I'm sorry. I should have been paying attention."

"I'm still sorry." I walked out while the guy went inside with two other boys. I watched them go in and look surprised for a second before going to sit with Harry and Louis.

Hmmm... Friends, I guess.

I walked to my car and headed home.


The girl was walking backwards. I know I should have been looking, but for some reason my mind was on other things. I bumped into her.

"Sorry," she said. I shook my head slightly.

"No, I'm sorry. I should have been paying attention," I replied to her. But she wasn't going to let me take the blame.

"I'm still sorry," she said, walking out of NANDOS, while Zayn, Niall and I walked in.

I looked around, spotting a familiar head of curly hair and a familiar voice saying, "I hope we see her again," Harry and Lou.

"Hey, guys. What are you doing here?" I asked as the three of us walked up to the two of them and took a seat.

"Eating," Harry said. Lou nodded.

"You went to NANDOS without me?" Niall asked, sounding betrayed.

"Sorry, mate, but we asked you to come. You were just daydreaming about something," Louis said.

Probably that girl, I thought. Jillian I think her name was. The dream girl.

"Oh..." Niall muttered.

"Yeah, mate, what were you thinking about so hard that you didn't hear the words 'food' and 'NANDOS'?"

"Just a dream I had," he replied.

"Must have been a good dream," Harry commented.

"Yeah, it was," Niall said. He looked like he was drifting away from us, or his mind was. His eyes stared off into the distance and got a sparkle. His lips twitched into a smile and his whole face lit up. He looked so happy.

We really need to find that girl. If she existed, anyway.

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