"no wait, renjun! we're not supposed to go there and cause trouble!"

"hey, park jisung, how dare keep this chenle guy from us—"

everyone inside the house stayed silent as two, wait make that three since someone was walking slow behind them, new guests arrived. jisung furrowed his brows at the visitors and couldn't be more embarrassed than he should be.

of course, what more did he expect? they were always present whenever something is happening.

just when jisung was about to speak and shoo them out from his house, the short male named renjun beat him to it and had the audacity to point a finger at the stork who's now confused as ever along with chenle.

aren't you that stork who almost dropped me during the flight!?


so you are chenle?❞ renjun munched on a pizza as he finally had calm down from scolding the stork.

at the end, jisung invited all of them and luckily had his orders arrived not long after. knowing that chenle wasn't going to leave them, he decided to simply eat together with them since he had ordered a lot of food. the stork that he also invited sat there awkwardly after meeting one of the babies he delivered way back then and he didn't expect that he'd get a scolding for being so clumsy and almost dropping him off.

it ended well, except for the fact that chenle wanted to go back to the corporation and visit the storks to at least check up on them.

nice to meet you.❞ chenle carried the baby up from his lap as he took a bow in front of renjun who's eating pizza nonstop.

not to mention the way he was sitting on both jaemin's and jeno's lap as if he owned them. ❝and you're jisung's husband?

jaemin widened his eyes. ❝hey, i don't remember telling you that part.

the short boyfriend shrugged. ❝i was just guessing.

sitting down comfortably in between the stork and jisung, chenle rubbed a hand on his nape as he could feel his cheeks heating him. he couldn't say that he's jisung's husband since he isn't yet but, ❝i'm his baby papa.

woah,❞ jeno finally spoke after being silent for a while and dealing with his boyfriends actions. ❝this kid be having a whole ass family earlier than us.

hyung!❞ jisung groaned in annoyance as he threw his head back, wondering how he can escape this mess. an idea then came in mind that made him stand up and look away. ❝i'm going to wash the dishes first.

with jisung walking towards the kitchen, jaemin rolled his eyes while he wrapped an arm around renjun and pulled the short male back all of a sudden that almost made him choke from his pizza. jaemin earned a look from renjun but he didn't pay attention to it at all. ❝that kid only owns three plates, what is there to wash?

chenle chuckled the male's statement before gently placing jiro down on the stork's lap. ❝hyung, i'll go and talk with jisung.

the baby sat there as he played with the stork's feather, almost pulling each one out if it weren't for jaemin getting him and carrying him around. the stork then had his eyes back at renjun and gulped when the male was glaring at him.

i'm still not done with you.

while they were left at the living room, chenle made his way towards the kitchen and there he saw jisung drinking water while leaning by the counter. he had a wide smile before walking towards him and engulfing the younger in a tight hug. jisung finished his glass of water first and placed it down the sink before wrapping his arms around chenle and pulled him closer.

they were comfortable in each other's arms and they were contented with each other's presence

the two stayed in that position for a good minute before speaking and breaking the ice between them.

do you really have to go?❞ he mumbled, placing his chin down on top of the shorter's head.

chenle hummed, ❝i'll be back tomorrow, jisung, don't worry.

a moment later, chenle then heard sniffling sounds coming from the younger. ❝b-but what if y-you won't? what i-if you realize t-that y-you belong there and—

gosh,❞ pushing himself an inch away from the younger, chenle reached out his hand to wipe jisung's tears. ❝what a crybaby.

i c-can't help i-it, i don't want to l-lose you.❞ jisung raised his head up and went looking at the ceiling to put the tears back inside his eyes.

that action made chenle laugh. ❝you're not going to lose me, jisung.❞ he then took a deep breath before placing a hand on the younger's cheeks, caressing it softly enough to make jisung stare straight at him. ❝i can't stay there for too long, i have a home to go back to.

that made jisung show a small smile as he leaned in to the older's touch, his hands going down to the shorter's waist. ❝come back home, alright?

chenle couldn't believe it, he finally had a home to go back to. ❝don't want you to burn the kitchen and drop jiro while i'm away.

and this goes for jisung also. he finally has a family that he has been longing for.

leaning down, getting closer to the older's lips, jisung pouted as he switched their position with chenle now leaning to the counter and jisung towering over him. chenle widened his eyes at how jisung swiftly changed their positions and now had both his hands on the younger's nape to support himself up. ❝hey, i can do a great job being a daddy, okay?

hm, sure.❞ chenle didn't know where he got the confidence to even smirk at jisung who's starting to lean closer towards him.

you know where else i can do a good job in being a daddy?❞ jisung started to trail soft kisses down on the shorter's neck, ❝in be—

"we can hear you from here jisung park!"

chuckling at how jaemin scolded jisung by the living room, the two were still left alone inside the kitchen. giving a gentle smile to the older, jisung took this chance to lean forward and place a loving kiss on chenle's lips.

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