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So you won't get confused:

"..." = Means He/She is talking
'...' =Means He/She is thinking

Hope you enjoy this chapter 😊

Seulgi's POV
"Well then Let's go!" I shouted then they all nodded


We went to the car then drift off...

"Ehhhh partying with his friends...I guess, he has his own life not in a mean way" dad replied then me and Irene chuckled

"Why would she do that to you my dear?" My mom suddenly asked Irene "Well uhm...I will tell the truth, she told me to steal money from the Lang family but I refused..." she replied leaving a tear on her cheek

So I went close to her and pat her back

"It's okay, we are here for you 😊" I said then she looked up to me and hugged me which made me shocked cuz uhm

My parents are seeing this uhm uhm uhm uhm uhm uhm

I look at the rear view mirror and saw my dad smiling

'Why is he smiling?'
'What is happening?'

Well then I saw Irene sleeping through the car ride

I feel bad for her...

And we need to take care of her

As a friend of course...

Cuz I don't know if she likes me back BUT

my dad said that there is an upcoming match next month so maybe I'll confess

Time Skip

"We are now here!" My dad said

Wait wait wait when we're walking we went here quickly but we used a car and...ok nvm it's too confusing

(A/N: well ME IS SORRY)

"Seulgi give me the phone, stay in the car I will handle this" My dad said then I handed him my phone

Mr. Kang's POV
Ok I got the phone from Seulgi and went inside the police station

"Sir?" "Kang" I replied while smirking "Oh sorry sir you may go inside" he said while bowing


"Sir Kang...you are here. What makes you come here?" I heard the HEAD or the leader of the police

(A/N: I dunno anymore forgive me im just a highschool student...And I Oop-)

"My Son's GIRLFRIEND needs some help..." I said while putting on a sad face

Tbh I am acting to make them believe me, well it's true that the grandma is at fault here

"Do you have any proof...? Or evidence?" He asked then I pulled out the phone and showed him the footage

"Who filmed this?" He asked "My son Seulgi" I responded and he nodded "Why would he film it and not help the girl?" He asked again "He said that after he recorded that he went to the front door and knocked so he could get Irene, my son's girlfriend" I replied then he nodded

"We'll be investigating and will ask questions to the owner so the house so...do you know the address?" He asked again I nodded "I will just get Ms. Irene sir" I replied then he nodded

I went outside of the station then looked for the car

AHA! There it is

I knocked on the driver's car door so they would open the car

I saw Irene awake so GREAT TIMING

"Irene...I need you inside" I said then I saw her nod

When she got out of the car I told her some info that I said like...

"I told them that you are the girlfriend of my son..." I said then I saw her blush

This is interesting...

Jung Jaehyun's POV (Police Chief)
This case is interesting since it came from Mr. Kang

I need to investigate tomorrow

Being a police is exhausting...but what could I do?

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