Twenty: July 31, 14

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She picked Donnie up, walking away and through a door. I began to cry, a lot more than what I already had. Donnie didn't deserve this.

Brooke didn't even know the full story.


Devan bumped my side, laughing as he took another sip of his beer. I smile drunkenly, mis-stepping and falling on my face. Me and Devan crack up laughing, and he falls next to me.

"Thats bad Ash," he slurred. "Just as bad as Ashley."

I roll my eyes, standing to my feet and wiping the dirt from my jeans. "You dont know what you're saying Dev."

He pulls me into the alleyway, pushing me against the wall, "I love Ashley. She didn't deserve scum like you to label her as your girlfriend."

I furrow my brows, trying to get his grip off my collar. "Man. Calm down, we only slept together once."

His eyes widened, and the next thing I knew I was thrown to the ground being attacked. I covered my face as Devan began to throw punches. I cried out in pain, his fists colliding with my face. I took enough hits, gaining enough adrinaline to push him off and get under him, throwing my own punches towards him.

I didn't stop.

Ashton you need to stop.

My mind shouted, but I didn't listen.

Devan let out a shakey breath, "s-stop."

When I did, it was already to late. I stood, and ran away.

"Your an idiot," Brooke stated. "Honestly it had to be my bestfriend that I had to beat."

"You didn't have to beat her," I state. "She doesn't deserve any of what youre giving to her. HELL! She doesnt deserve a friend like you."

Brooke gave me a glare snapping her fingers to bring Donnie back out. I gasp; she was bruised completely. Her purpled eyes met mine and I began to sob, "Brooke please let her go!"

She smirked, "no."

I hit the cage in fury, "God damnit Brooke! Let her go!"

She shook her head, pulling a gun out and cocking it. It was placed at the top of Donnie's head, she winced.

My eyes widened, "stop!!"

"Why?" She asked, raising a brow as her finger was placed on the trigger.

"Shes pregnant you dipshit!" I spit, and she smirks.

"No shes not," she rolls her eyes. "She can't get pregnant."

"Y-yes," Donnie whispered. "I-I c-can."

That shattered me.

Brooke scoffed, "you lied to me then!"

Donnie shook, closing her eyes and breathing in a deep breath. "I-I can. I-Im 3-3 we-eks."

Brooke rolled her eyes, and at that moment the doors bursted open. If it was for that moment, everything would have been fine. But no. Brooke jumped, her finger pressing down on the trigger, releasing the bullet.

My eyes widened, "DONNIE!"

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