Five: July 4 14

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Everything was dark, and my body was pressed against Ashtons side. His arm was probably loosing circulation was my tight grip, but he didnt seem to notice it much. A brach snaps, and I do a Scooby Doo move, up ito his arms bridalstyle. He chuckles, shaking his head and continueing farther into the woods. I squeeze into him tighter, everytime somthing would make a noise. But, all he did was tighten his grip on me. "You alright?" he asks, when the latest snap scared me into him again. I inhale a sharp breath, nodding a bit.

"Yeah, I'm, uh, fine!" He chuckles, setting me down to the ground. I take a step, tripping over a root and falling straight onto my face. Ashton gasped, getting onto his knees and touching my back.

"Oh, are you okay?" he asks, and I just begin to laugh.

"Yeah," I laugh out. "Lay down with me?"

He shakes his head, "dont think I should."

I pout, "you arent going to ruining your Pink Floyd shirt."

He nods, laying onto his back while I rolled onto my back. His arm rests under my head, and he played with the fabric of my shoulder. I smile, snuggling my face into his torso. "Donnie?" he asked, right when I was about to fall asleep.

"Yeah?" I sheeplessly reply. He chuckles, and I feel his head turn and touch mine.

"Why are you here? In Westlake," he asks, and my breath hitches.

I shrug, "always loved Australia."

"I dont belielve you. What is here that is so importnat than the States?"

"Its the fact that I could get away from everything." I raise up, and pull my legs to my chest. "I could run away from everything and start fresh. I could be different, change my name, or even dye my hair indigo!" He chuckles. "But, I moved away because everyhting there was worse. I couldnt go out of the house without my horrid step dad intterogating me on who it was with."

"Im so sorry Don."

I shake my head, "dont be. That isnt even the half of it. You see, I was in this bad relationship before I turned twenty. His name was Luke, and I fell so hard for him. His stunning brown eyes, striaght down to his beautiful smile smile. Everything about him was just pefect. But, once I told him about moving. He became this arrogant douche and dick that just didnt give a crap about anyone anymore."

He sighs, grabbing my hips and lifting me up onto his waist. My legs go on either side of him, while my hands find his chest to hold myself. He sends a huge smile, "Donnie. You're beautiful... And I love you. I always have and will. Ever since the first time I saw your brown hair and stunning blue eyes, you drew me in. You don't even know how nervous I was just to ask you out tonight. Shit, I was scared that I was going to get slurred and just blush. But, I knew there was hope when you said yes."

I blush, and if it wasn't for it being dark, he'd see it.

"I love you so much, and in a matter of days you've given me forever."

I begin to laugh, "do not go all Hazel Grace on me. "

"I'm just saying," he rubbed the top of my thighs. "You did. And I'll probably regret this."

I was about to question what he meant, but I didn't. A pair of soft lips were pressed softly to mine, and all I did was grab the back of his neck and press harder.

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