Seventeen: July 27, 14

19 1 0



The sun was shining right in my eyes, and I just wanted to take a gun and shoot it. I felt something wiggle beside me, snuggle into my chest. I smile, touching her tummy and kissing the side of her head.

"Ash," she sleepily replied, followed by a yawn. "Stop it."

I chuckle, kissing her forehead before I removed myself from her and walking down to the kitchen. Calum, of all people, was sitting at the island reading the newpaper like one of those clique 50's father. I chuckle, and go to the cabinet pulling out the Bisquick mix to make breakfast. "So Daddy," I smirk getting the batter ready. "How's the paper?"

He rolls his eyes, moving the paper down so I could see his glasses over his eyes. "Good. You can learn something from these."

"Harsh," I tell him, pouring the batter into the pan.

"You have a package here. So," he pushes it across the island to me, and I furrow my brows.

"Whose it from?"

"Dunno. It was on the porch when I got the paper," he informs, going back to reading the paper. I shrug, turning and fixing the pancakes hearing feet pad down the stairs, and someone yawn quietly. I smile, turning and looking at my beautiful girlfriend.

Why is she so beautiful?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She giggles, taking a mug and pouring her some coffee. I just smile, flipping the pancakes and then setting then on a plate. "Is that for me?"

She kisses my shoulder, and I turn and pull her up onto the counter, getting between her legs. "Yep," I kiss her nose.

"Guys!" Michael whines. "Get a damn room! Dad!"

Calum looked up from his paper, raises a brow towards me. "Boys, stop argueing."

And with that he went back to reading. Michael grumbled, walking to the fridge pulling out a thing of cheese, storming back up to his room.

"You guys scare me," she kisses my cheek.

I smile, "you get used to it."

She nods taking a sip and then eyes widening. "Oh yeah, we have our first appointment August 17."

I nod, "lets hope I!ll be back before then. Were traveling with One Direction."

She gasped and hit my chest, "and you didn't think to flipping tell me?!"

"I did!" I reply.

"But you said nothing about One Direction!" She huffed, crossing het arms. I'm not going to lie, that was the cutest thing ever.

I chuckle, "I'm sorry baby. I'll make it up to you. Alright?"

She grumbles before sighing, "a cuddling night wouldn't hurt."

I smile pressing my lips to hers.


"So, The Notebook?" I ask, as she cuddled up to me. She nods, taking a handful of popcorn and shoving it into her mouth.

God, how am I in love with this girl?

Just a few weeks ago she was hesitating before she talked to me. I was just this drummer who did covers with friends and she shows up. I don't think anything better or worse could happen at the moment. I have her, and thats all that matters.

The doorbell rings, and I remove myself from below Donnie, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead before I hopped down the stairs swinging the door open.

Someone stood in all black, a crooked smile sewed in their mask. "Knock knock," they press something up my nose, and the next thing I knew I was engulfed by darkness.

(Lets admire the fact I updated!

Oh! And one of my Bestest Bestfriends is reading this now! Hi Brooke! Hi Donnie! I'm debating on if I should write a sequal or not.)

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