I felt dizzy , my head hurt and my steps were faltering. I close my eyes and let my palm rub my Jawline.

I opened my eyes after a moment and sauntered towards the dance floor and mingled with the crowd , swaying to the beats.

"Would you like me to join you ?" A fair guy asked and on my nod he instantly pulled me close, not too close of course and when danced in rhythm.

"You're gorgeous" he said aloud and then spun me around with my left hand, I felt week in the knees and clashed into the chest of another man.
Due to the dizziness , I didn't move my head from the man's chest and stayed where I was.

"Small head , I am not going to leave you alone" what?

I move back to see Sidharth standing in front of me with a small , playful smile on his face.

Not again. I mutter under my breath and shove him .

"I can't believe you came inside again, after me. It's ridiculous'' I scoff at him.

Sidharth became annoyed. He came forward and glowered at me, "will you just stop pushing me , it's irritating" . He waited for me to respond but I just rolled my eyes.

" And no I haven't come for you, I'm here to party. It'll be a different experience after the lockdown" he answered to my questions.

I looked at him in disbelief." Are you kidding me ?"

"No I'm quite serious" he answered solemnly. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

He grabbed my arm , "Now , come on. Don't overload your small head"

He dragged me to the dance floor, not roughly but this time rather slowly.

"Why are we at the dance floor" I shouted because the music was quite loud.

He leaned on , getting close to my ear. "I thought you wanted to dance ?''

Was ye watching me before ? He moved back his head and looked at me.

"Do you even know how to dance " of Course he did not. I knew it so well.

He shook his head in disbelief and then snaked and arm around my waist, pulling me close.

I got staggered and place my hands on his chest involuntarily. My heart began beating unsteadily at his proximity as it brought back those sensations.

He held my hand and moved it upto his shoulders "that's where you're supposed to keep it".

Sidharth moved his face again closed to my ear, brushing his cheek with mine. "You're really underestimating me. Girls were all over me in parties like this in my young days. They still fawn over me by the way"

He moved back and noticed my scowl.

" I don't know why you're doing this. Do you have any idea , anyone could see us here and we are 'together' . Media could spot us" this man has lost his mind .

I slipped my hands down from his shoulders , put then on his arms and tried to let go of him.

The volume of the music was down thankfully. I could hear him.

"Don't worry, were too far into the city. No one would notice.. I made sure of it" He says almost in a daze.

He forced me to dance with him. Our bodies swayed in slow rhythm. Due to the dizziness I let him have control over my movements because I felt weak. He raised my hand above my head and spun me around. My back came in contact with his chest. His hold on me tightened and he nuzzled
my hair. I felt the tiny hair on my body rise as he cleared his way by sliding my hair to the other side. He brushed his lips just above my collerbone and made me shiver. Reflexively, I held his arm on my tummy.

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