'Hunts over'- Chapter 49

Start from the beginning

"NOW!" She yelled.

We all listened to Julia's command wrigging out of the guards' grip and knocking out the 3 guards. Rusty with his potions. Me with my martial art skills and Julia with a mix of both while Alex just sat on the floor and conjured up some popcorn and watched the 'entertainment'.

"My God Alex," I said looking down at him shaking my head in disapproval. I grabbed a keycard from one of the unconscious guards.

"Let's go into the rooms and see what we can find," Rusty said in his monotone tone.

"Yeah..." We agreed. 

"Should we split up or what?" Alex asked.

"No it's too risky" Rusty declined. "Pink open the door the guard was going to take you in..." 

"Okay," I said. I swiped the key card and entered a dark room with another door at the end. Around the room, there was a security set up with monitors everywhere but no one watching them. I speed walked over to the cameras and saw someone in a padded room in a dark corner on the floor with her face covered by her knees. I looked at Rusty confused and turned back to one of the monitors that were at a different angle which was clearer to see. I zoomed in on the camera which must have made a noise because the lady shot herself up and stared at the camera... I was taken aback at the person... the light from the room hit her more showing her hair and her... eyes.

"I-Is That m-me" I stuttered in shock.

I looked at Julia who had a slightly guilty look on her face but before I could ask her anything she ran to the door and began to try and open it with a bit of struggle. It eventually opened and Julia yelled with glee.

"MOM!" Julia cried as she ran into the room embracing her mother tightly.

"JULIA!" She replied squeezing her daughter back.

After a while the left the padded room. The lady looked up at us... it was me... 

"I'm Julia's Mom?" I said in shock 

"Yeah..." Julia replied.

"O-Okay..." I said in a squealed voice.

"We need one more person then we can leave," Older me said walking out the room cautiously.

"You took down the guards right?" She asked 

"Yeah I did all the work," Alex said kinda proud of himself.

We paid no attention to Alex and we left the room. Older me led us to the other room where the guard tried to take Rusty into. She opened the door a crack I'm not sure what she saw but he hand motioned us to press against a wall. She closed the door and whispered to us.

"There are scientists in there we need to figure out a plan." 

"I know!" I whisper back. 

I put on a man's voice and spoke very loud. "LUNCH BREAK!"

"Ooooo Lunch" I hear the scientists say. 

I pushed everyone behind a wall and we heard the two scientists leave. We all rushed into the room I locked us in and turned around to see a huge tube with a black figure with white cracks carved in his skin. His eyes were cracked open slightly I covered my mouth in shock at what I saw...

"R-Rusty..." I stutter. I turned to Rusty and he was in shock as well. I squeezed his hand tightly, he did the same. He pulled me closer to him slightly. 

Older me and Julia went up to the glass placing their hands there. I looked around the room and saw a crowbar on the floor for some reason. I slipped my hand out of Rusty's grip grabbing the crowbar telling Future me and Julia to move. I then smashed the crowbar against the glass causing it to shatter dramatically. A few shards of glass cut my arm like papercuts. I looked down at the ground to see Future Rusty on the floor. Future Pink quickly helps him up, supporting him.

"Pink..." Future Rusty whispered to future Pink caressing her cheek. Her eyes went teary as she placed a kiss on his lips. 

"Julia..." He again spoke in a whisper. He gave his family a huge hug, which was interrupted by banging on the door.

"It's locked!" A muffled voice of a scientist spoke trying to break down the door. 

"I'll create a Void," Future Rusty said removing himself from Future me but stumbled.

"You're too weak Rusty it could kill you" Older me stated worriedly.

"I'll do it then," Rusty said creating a temporary void. 

Everyone jumped into the Void besides me and Rusty. The door broke down and staring at us was a few guards and 2 scientists. Rusty grabbed my hand and black cracks began to form on his skin and his eyes glowed a heavily white before throwing us both in the Void closing it up so no one could follow. In the Void, I looked up at Rusty who was semi bridal style carrying me and saw him back to normal. 

"W-What did you do?" I asked.

"I gave them a warning," Rusty said in a monotone

We arrived back up into the basement to see that no one was there but me and Rusty. We walk upstairs were we see everyone standing up waiting for us. This is where we discuss our next step I guess...

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