'Daddy Issues' - Chapter 15

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Pink's Pov:

Rusty and I have been dating for a whole 3 weeks now. Julia still had those weird sleepwalking incidents and it began to make me and Rusty quite worried. she was doing it almost every night now... we still haven't told her due to timing and we didn't want Alex knowing just in case she felt embarrassed by it so we've kept quiet.

After we all ate breakfast Julia came upstairs with a smile on her face as normal and greeted us all good morning. I looked over at Rusty who was sitting in his favorite chair. Me and Rusty looked at each other with a worried look planted on our faces but then smiled and greeted Julia back.

"Hey, Julia I'll grab your breakfast out the microwave," I said smiling walking over to the microwave and taking out out her plate and handed it to Julia.

"Thank you" She returned taking the plate out of my hand. Julia walked out of the living room with her plate of food in hand and returned back into the Void.

I sat back down next to Alex and watched T.V for a bit with my guys.

 An hour or two passed by when I got a phone call from my Dad... It's quite odd because he never called me he only spoke to me every time Mom called me it was quite odd... 

"Hey umm, guys... I'll be back in a second" I tell the boys without looking up from my phone. I quickly walk to the front porch and pick up the phone.


Pink:       Hey Dad what's up?


Pink:       H-Huh Dad what are you talking about?!


Pink:       DAD I-


Pink:       WAIT! Are you talking about Rusty?!


                                                   =Pink's Dad hangs up=


Alex's Pov:

I was trying to watch T.V when I heard Pink yelling and another voice practically screaming down the end. Rusty and I look at each other confused. I covered my potatoes ears... Poor sou,l he must have been petrified from the noise! Rusty got up from his chair and looked out the window.

"What do you see?" I whisper

"Wait," Rusty said holding up his hand as if to say stop... A long pause came over us.


Pink's Pov:

"UGHHHHHH!" I roar in anger punching a wall. 

"OW" I scream in pain holding my wrist. Great now I've probably sprained my wrist! I thought to myself gripping my teeth in pain, I started to feel tears stream down my face from the pain. I sat myself down on the porch steps looking down holding my wrist with tears still streaming down my face. I suddenly hear the front open and look up to see who it was. Rusty...

"Pink you ok? I heard you scream!" Rusty said sympathetically. 

"Yeah I'm fine," I say walking towards the open door. I get halfway up the stairs before I remembered.

"Rusty..." I say a bit worried

"What?" He said in his normal monotone voice. 

"My Dad's coming to kill you in around 15 mins so I suggest you lock the door and windows, close the curtains, dad proof the entire house and hide...". Rusty and Alex looked at me then at each other then started to scramble around collecting healing potions and doing everything I told them to.

We all eventually staked out in my room on the floor and waited. Rusty reached his hand over to hold mine.

"Ow," I whisper quickly moving my hand away from Rusty's.

"Pink are you ok? I'm so sorry-" Rusty was quick to apologies, feeling guilty thinking he hurt me, but I cut him off.

"Rusty it wasn't you when I screamed 'ow' earlier it was because I think I've sprained my wrist..." I admitted.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've healed it ya know" Rusty sighed. He gently took my wrist and poured a few drops of his healing potion on my wrist. It felt weird and tingly but it slowly healed. Rusty also kissed my hand for 'Good measure'- His word's not mine! 

"Guy's stop it!" Alex whined with a pouty lip, shielding his potato from our flirting. "You're showing to much in front of my child you'll make him get ideas!" But Alex kept staring at us as if he was waiting for us to do something...


I looked at my Roommates in horror as I heard the sound of our door being broken down. 

"Nooooo not the door! we just got it to repaint-" Alex whined being cut off by Rusty covering his mouth so he'd be quiet.

Rusty quickly summoned a notebook and pencil and wrote down the words:

"The Dad proof tape didn't work! that we got from Walmart"

After reading the note Rusty slid to me I gave him a 'really?' face. Rusty rolled his eye's but then we heard stomping sounds coming up the stairs. I quickly rushed to be in front of Alex and Rusty with my arms out wide hoping to shield them from my dad's gun. He couldn't shoot if I was in front of them  I thought. I began to hear the sound of my doorknob slowly open until I started to hear muffled Yelling of a man and woman was it... Mom? 

I looked behind me terrified... I've never heard my parents argue before. I look back at the door with my breathing growing heavy and loud like I was having a panic attack. Rusty grabbed me from behind with his head on my shoulder. One hand rubbing my waist still in a hug and the other over my mouth to quiet down my breathing. I then heard my Dad storm back downstairs and I'm assuming leaving the house because we heard a car drive away. 

Rusty let me go as we all breathed a sigh of relief. But then the doorknob turned and a woman in her mid to late '40s walked in with light Pink hair and fancy clothing came into my room with a worried face. Mom...

"It's safe now everyone you can come out now, he's gone back to the house." My Mom said softly.     

I stood up and hugged my Mom and thanked her. She started to explain that Penny had told her about me and Rusty through Alex and my Mom assumed that Dad had just overheard their conversation and freaked out.

"I support this" My Mom smiled looking at Rusty. I looked at Rusty with a smile and he looked so happy. 

"I'll go help... clean up..." My Mom said taking my hand and leading me downstairs. The house wasn't too bad of a mess so we all started to clean up the entire downstairs from the mess Dad made. after an hour the house was as good as new. Rusty and Alex put up the door that was thankfully not smashed up to bits! and my Mon and I picked up the wood chips from the door and neatly put everything away. But thennnnnn after everything looked perfect Rusty and Alex started to scrape the butts on the kitchen floor again going in circles around the counters. 

I looked up at my Mom who just giggled, If I'm honest I was surprised she was so chill about me and Rusty dating, she usually just scared off boys who even dared walk near me in public. It was nice...

I felt a pit in my stomach. I grabbed my Mom's hand and led her to my bedroom. 

I closed my bedroom door and looked at my Mom...

Pink and BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora