Chapter 9: Realities Bold Return

Start from the beginning

Jane turned to me. "A bias is like your ultimate favorite member. The one you love over all the others."

Oh. That wasn't so bad! "Erm...I don't think I have one!"

"That's fine," Amelia chirped. "Lots of ARMY don't have one. You must have a favorite song though! Come on, what is it?"

We spent an hour discussing the boys. I decided that J-Hope was my bias- he was the one I couldn't take my eyes off in MV's whenever he was on screen. Well, him and Suga and V. 

Jane treated everyone to snacks when the lunch trolley came by.

"I got allowance before I left," She explained to us.

I had a feeling allowance was code for vampire-assassin paycheck, but I couldn't call her on it with the others there. I had other things I wanted to discuss with her about too- the spy, for example. I still had no idea how a vampire could get into the D.E.T world, or why they were coming for me at Hogwarts specifically. I just had to hope Jane wouldn't wait another 4 months to reveal anything. I wouldn't go so long without confronting her this time. 

When we arrived at school, it was already dinner time. As I ate, I watched the Golden Trio bickering at Gryffindor Table. I knew they were researching Nicholas Flammel- the alchemist Dumbledore worked with long ago- but I wanted to know WHY they were researching him. Would Hermione tell me if I asked? Or would I have to do some sleuth work?

On my way out of Great Hall, I watched Hermione walk up the stairs, looking very put-out. I made a detour, turning away from the dungeon entrance. I might as well cheer up my HG prodigy.

"Hey! Wait up!"

She turned around, eyes wide as she watched me fly up the stairs to catch up. "Oh...H-hey Allison."

"You missed another of Amelia's BTS talks on the train. Mind you, I'm the one who caused it, but whatever. How was your break?"

She smiled ever so slightly. "It was alright. Thanks for the books, by the way! Some of the spells are a little advanced, but I understood the theory."

Along with causing chaos at Malfoy Manor, I stole a couple harmless books for Hermione- ones Lucius wouldn't miss and her parents wouldn't question her having. No need to worry the muggles! Of everyone in Homework Guardians, Hermione had the most potential. A seemingly harmless bookworm who could play dirty? And all I have to do is show her the right things? Too easy! 

"That's good. Apply what you can and maybe you'll defeat Draco in duel on day."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Draco's easily distracted. If I just knew how you were manifesting those sparks into shapes," She frowned. "I guess it doesn't matter now. I'll have my own signature move, soon enough."


We passed the alcove sitting outside the Transfiguration corridor. The one where I confronted Jacqueline just two weeks ago. People were still roaming the corridors, but they didn't pay us any attention. The sun had set while everyone was eating so the torches lined our way as we walked.

"...And even if I'm right, I have no idea what to do about it! Allison? Hey! What's wrong? Did you notice too?"

"Notice what?" I asked, fingering my wand in my pocket.

I really didn't want to pull another stun-and-run, but I had a feeling whatever she was talking about wasn't safe. My neck prickled as she stopped beside the entrance to the Astronomy tower.

"Vampires. Moroi. I swear, the twins are exactly like Moroi! Please tell me you noticed!"

The air was cold. The prickling intensified. I gripped my wand.

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